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ILLE - Special Committee

Illegal Drugs (Special)


Proceedings of the Special Committee on
Illegal Drugs

Issue 1 - Order of Reference

Extract from the Journals of the Senate, Thursday, March 15, 2001:

Resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator Nolin, seconded by the Honourable Senator Molgat and on the motion in amendment by the Honourable Senator Kenny, seconded by the Honourable Senator Nolin:

That a special committee of the Senate be struck to examine:

The approach taken by Canada to cannabis, its preparations, derivatives and similar synthetic preparations, in context;

The effectiveness of this approach, the means used to implement it and the monitoring of its application;

The related official policies adopted by other countries;

Canada's international role and obligations under United Nations agreements and conventions on narcotics, in connection with cannabis, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other related treaties; and

The social and health impacts of cannabis and the possible consequences of different policies;

That the special committee consist of five senators, three of whom shall constitute a quorum;

That the Honourable Senators Banks, Kenny, Nolin, Rossiter and (a fifth Senator to be named by the Chief Government Whip) be named to the committee.

That the committee be authorized to send for persons, papers and records, to hear witnesses, to report from time to time, and to print from day to day such papers and evidence as may be ordered by it;

That the briefs and evidence heard during consideration of Bill C-8, An Act respecting the control of certain drugs, their precursors and other substances and to amend certain other Acts and repeal the Narcotic Control Act in consequence thereof, by the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs during the 2nd Session of the 35th Parliament be referred to the committee;

That the documents and evidence compiled on this matter and the work accomplished by the Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs during the 2nd Session of the 36th Parliament be referred to the committee;

That the committee be empowered to authorize, if deemed appropriate, the broadcasting on radio and/or television and the coverage via electronic media of all or a part of its proceedings and the information it holds;

That the committee present its final report no later than August 31, 2002; and that the committee retain the powers necessary to publicize its findings for distribution of the study contained in its final report for 30 days after the tabling of that report;

That the committee be authorized, notwithstanding customary practice, to table its report to the Clerk of the Senate if the Senate is not sitting, and that a report so tabled be deemed to have been tabled in the Senate.

After debate,

The question being put on the motion as amended, it was adopted.

Paul C. Bélisle

Clerk of the Senate 

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