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ILLE - Special Committee

Illegal Drugs (Special)

Proceedings of the Special Committee on Illegal Drugs

First Session Thirty-seventh Parliament, 2001-02

Chair: The Honourable PIERRE CLAUDE NOLIN

Wednesday, January 30, 2002 (in camera)
Monday, May 6, 2002 (in camera)
Monday, May 13, 2002

Issue No. 16

Twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-first and thirty-second meetings on: Reassessing Canada's anti-drug legislation and policies


Morning sitting

From the City of Regina:

Mr. Pat Fiacco, Mayor.

From the Regina Police Service:

Mr. Cal Johnston, Chief of Police.

From NORML Saskatchewan:

Mr. Timothy Hampton, President, National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws.

From Alcohol and Drug Services, Regina Health District:

Mr. Jerry Fitzgerald, Manager;

Mr. Donald Fitzsimmons, Youth and Family Coordinator;

Dr. Ross Findlater, Deputy Medical Health Officer.

Evening sitting

From the City of Regina:

Mr. W. Joe McKeown, City Councillor.

From NORML Saskatchewan:

Mr. Timothy Hampton.

From the Alcohol and Drugs Society, Regina Health District:

Mr. Lyell Armitage, Former Director.

From the R.C.M.P:

Sergeant Bill Blanshard.


Mr. Brad Wolbaum;

Mr. Ron Bocking;

Ms Caylie Graham;

Mr. Lindsay Armitage;

Mr. Ryan Genie;

Ms Cathleen Guthrie;

Mr. Scott Wolbaum;

Mr. Pat Baumet;

Mr. Albert G. Ormiston;

Mr. Chris Carnell;

Ms. Shauna Raycraft;

Mr. Mark Fortier.


The Honourable Senator Pierre Claude Nolin, Chair

The Honourable Senator Colin Kenny, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Banks, *Carstairs, P.C. (or Robichaud, P.C.), *Lynch-Staunton  (or Kinsella), Maheu, Rossiter

*Ex Officio Members

(Quorum 3)

Change in membership of the committee:

Pursuant to rule 85(4), membership of the committee was amended as follows:

The name of the Honourable Senator Maheu substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Wiebe (May 13, 2002).

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