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Related content: Senator Paula Simons

Canadian soil health at risk: Senate report
Senator Yonah Martin and teacher Stephane Ethier taking a selfie in a classroom with students standing behind them.
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Senators Marilou McPhedran, Andrew Cardozo, Ratna Omidvar, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations in New York Bob Rae, and senators Krista Ross, Kim Pate, Iris G. Petten and Donna Dasko standing together for a photo.
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Senator Rob Black poses with students in a school library.
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Senator Brian Francis and four students stand in front of the Speaker’s dais in the Senate Chamber.
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Senator Percy Mockler with RCMP officers and a community member standing by a pickup truck filled with boxes of food.
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Young shoots of corn growing above ground with their roots visible under the soil.
Senators and Soil Health: A study takes root
Senator David M. Wells holds a yellow rubber duck over a boy’s head and a group of children make funny faces as they pose in a classroom.
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Senators Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu, Donna Dasko, and Rebecca Patterson pose with other members of the Canadian delegation to the 69th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Copenhagen.
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Senators Sharon Burey, Paula Simons, Rob Black and Mobina Jaffer in front of an irrigation pivot in a wheat field at Auch Farms near Carmangay, Alberta.
Senators cover new ground in Western soil health fact-finding mission
Senator Renée Dupuis, centre, front row, and university students in the foyer stairwell of the Senate of Canada Building.
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Parliamentarians, war veterans and students, pose outdoors in front of a memorial statue.
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