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ILLE - Special Committee

Illegal Drugs (Special)

Proceedings of the Special Committee on
Illegal Drugs

First Session Thirty-seventh Parliament, 2001-02

Chair: The Honourable PIERRE CLAUDE NOLIN

Thursday, May 30, 2002
Friday, May 31, 2002

Issue No. 18

Thirty-fifth, thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh meetings on: Reassessing Canada's anti-drug legislation and policies


Thursday, May 30, 2002 (town hall):

Members of the panel:

From the University of Montreal:

Marie-Andrée Bertrand, Professor Emeritus of Criminology.

From the Marijuana Party:

Marc-Boris St-Maurice, Leader.

As Individuals:

Mr. Émile Colas;

Dr. Pierre Lauzon.

From Clinique du Nouveau Départ Inc.:

Dr. Jean-Pierre Chiasson, Medical Director.

As Individuals:

Ms Denise Beaudoin;

Mr. André-Bernard Guévin;

Ms France Desjardins;

Mr. John Turmel;

Mr. Guillaume Blouin-Beaudoin;

Mr. Roland Côté;

Mr. Pierre Matteau;

Mr. Marc-André Lavoie;

Mr. Yvan Bombardier;

Mr. Blair T. Longley;

Ms Julie Langlois;

Mr. Nicolas Carrier;

Mr. Rosaire Théorêt;

Mr. Johnny Dupuis;

Mr. Ray Turmel;

Mr. Jean de Lavaltrie;

Mr. Edward Jackson;

Mr. Alexis Jabarit;

Ms Helene Jutras;

Ms Michele Burque.

Friday, May 31, 2002 (morning meeting):

From the comité permanent de lutte à la toxicomanie:

Michel Germain, Director General.

From the Dollard-Cormier Centre:

Pierre-Charles Boudrias.

From McGill University:

Dr. Mark A. Ware, Assistant Professor.

From the City of Montreal Police Service:

Serge Gascon, Deputy Director.

From Club Compassion de Montréal:

Caroline Doyer, President

Peter Hamel, Executive Director.

Friday, May 31, 2002 (afternoon meeting):


Yvan Bombardier, Intervener;

Martin Petit, Community Worker.

As Individuals:

Pierre Cloutier, Criminal Lawyer;

Rick Reimer.

From the Marijuana Party:

Marc-Boris St-Maurice, Leader.

From the University of Quebec in Montreal:

Serge Granger, Historian.


The Honourable Senator Pierre Claude Nolin, Chair

The Honourable Senator Colin Kenny, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Banks, *Carstairs, P.C. (or Robichaud, P.C.), *Lynch-Staunton (or Kinsella), Maheu, Rossiter.

*Ex Officio Members

(Quorum 3)

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