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ILLE - Special Committee

Illegal Drugs (Special)

Proceedings of the Special Committee on Illegal Drugs

First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, 2001-02

Chair: The Honourable PIERRE CLAUDE NOLIN

Wednesday, June 5, 2002

Issue No. 20

Fortieth, Forty-First and Forty-Second meetings on:

Reassessing Canada's anti-drug legislation and policies


June 5, 2002 (public hearings)

From Addiction Services, Health Region:

Mr. Achille Maillet, Director;

Ms Chantal Cloutier-Vautour, Youth Councillor.

From the Village of Salisbury:

Ms Beverly Best, Councillor;

Mr. Al Breau, Member of the Salisbury Municipal Drug Strategy.

From the Royal Canadian Mounted Police:

Sergeant Edward J. MacEachern.

From the Marijuana Party of Canada:

MR. Mike Patriquen;

Ms Melanie Stephen Patriquen.

June 5, 2002 (town hall)

Members of the panel:

From the Royal Canadian Mounted Police:

Mr. Michel Frenette, Drug Awareness Services Coordinator.

From the Marijuana Party of Canada:

Mr. Mike Patriquen.

From Addiction Services, Health Region:

Mr. Al Breau, Addiction Officer.

From the New Brunswick Home and Schools Association:

Mr. John Noddin, Former President.

As Individuals:

Mr. Thomas E. Hunter;

Mr. Nick Gallant;

Ms Melanie Stephen Patriquen;

Mr. Yves Wermelinger;

Mr. Chris Trenholm;

Mr. David Weinberg;

Ms Kathryn Noddin;

Ms Chantal Cloutier-Vautour;

Mr. Chris MacLean;

Mr. Jerome Sabourin.


The Honourable Senator Pierre Claude Nolin, Chair

The Honourable Senator Colin Kenny, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Banks, *Carstairs, P.C., (or Robichaud, P.C.), *Lynch-Staunton, (or Kinsella), Maheu, Rossiter

*Ex Officio Members

(Quorum 3)

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