Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
Second Session Thirty-seventh Parliament, 2002
Chairman: The Honourable RICHARD H. KROFTThursday, October 24, 2002
Thursday, October 31, 2002
Thursday, November 7, 2002
Thursday, November 21, 2002
Thursday, November 28, 2002
Thursday, December 5, 2002
Tuesday, December 10, 2002 (in camera)
Thursday, December 12, 2002
Issue No. 2
Organizational meeting
- Minutes
- Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Reports of the comiittee
- Evidence for October 24, 2002
- Evidence for October 31, 2002
- Evidence for November 7, 2002
- Evidence for November 21, 2002
- Evidence for November 28, 2002
- Evidence for December 5, 2002
- Evidence for December 12, 2002
Thursday, October 31, 2002:
As an individual:
Mr. Ron Yaworski, Security Consultant.
From the Senate Parliamentary Precinct Services:
Mr. Serge Gourgue, Director and Chief Superintendent.
From the Senate Protective Services:
Mr. Raymond Pitre, Assistant Director.
From the Senate:
Mr. Pierre Tessier, Manager, Accommodation, Planning and Projects and Senate Liaison to the Parliamentary Precinct Oversight Advisory Committee.
Thursday, November 7, 2002:
From Public Works and Government Services Canada:
Mr. Michel J. Cardinal, Chief Executive Officer, Translation Bureau;
Mr. Gilles Martel, Director, Interpretation and Parliamentary Translation, Translation Bureau.
Thursday, November 28, 2002:
As an individual:
Mr. Gilles Marc Daigle, Counsellor in Administrative and Public Law, Gowling, Lafleur, Henderson.
Thursday, December 5, 2002:
From the Senate Information Management Services
Mme Hélène Bouchard, Manager.
Thursday, December 12, 2002:
From the Royal Canadian Mounted Police:
Mr. Giuliano Zaccardelli, Commissioner.
Mr. Dwight McCallum, Assistant Commissioner.
From the Senate Parliamentary Precinct Services:
Mr. Serge Gourgue, Director.
The Honourable Lise Bacon, Chair
The Honourable Norman K. Atkins, Deputy Chair
The Honourable Senators:
Angus, Austin, P.C., Bolduc, Bryden, *Carstairs, P.C. (or Robichaud, P.C.), De Bané, P.C., Eyton, Gill, Gauthier, Jaffer, Kroft, *Lynch-Staunton (or Kinsella), Poulin, Robichaud, P.C., Stratton
*Ex Officio Members
(Quorum 4)
Changes in membership of the committee:
Pursuant to rule 85(4), membership of the committee was amended as follows:
The name of the Honourable Senator Bolduc substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Doody (October 29, 2002).
The name of the Honourable Senator Phalen substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Jaffer (November 7, 2002).
The name of the Honourable Senator Jaffer substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Phalen (November 8, 2002).