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SOCI - Standing Committee

Social Affairs, Science and Technology

Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Social Affairs, Science and Technology

Third Session, Thirty-Seventh Parliament, 2004

Chair: The Honourable MICHAEL KIRBY

Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Thursday, April 1, 2004

Issue No. 5

First and second meetings on: Mental health and mental illness

First meeting on: Bill C-24, An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act.


The Honourable Jacques Saada, P.C., M.P., Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister responsible for Democratic Reform


Wednesday, March 31, 2004

From the Canadian Medical Association:

Dr. Sunil Patel, President;

Dr. Gail Beck, Acting Associate Secretary General.

From the Ontario Hospital Association:

Dr. Paul Garfinkel, Chair, Mental Health Working Group.

From the Canadian Psychiatric Association:

Dr. Blake Woodside, Chairman of the Board.

From the Canadian Nurses Association, the Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses and the Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Canada:

Ms. Nancy Panagabko, President, Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses;

Ms. Annette Osten, Board Member, Canadian Nurses Association.

From the Canadian Psychological Association:

Mr. John Service, Executive Director.

From the Canadian Association of Social Workers:

Mr. Stephen Arbuckle, Member, Health Interest Group.

Thursday, April 1, 2004 - Morning Meeting

From the Treasury Board Secretariat:

Ms. Joan Arnold, Director, Pensions Legislation Development, Pensions Division.

From the Privy Council Office:

Mr. Ron Wall, Director, Parliamentary Operations, Legislation and House Planning/Counsel;

Ms. Ginette Bougie, Director, Compensation and Classification.

From Cognos:

Ms. Marilyn Smith-Grant, Senior Human Resources Specialist;

Mr. Sean Reid, Senior Manager, Corporate Communications.

From the Public Service Alliance of Canada:

Mr. John Gordon, National Executive Vice-President;

Mr. James Infantino, Pensions and Disability Insurance Officer.

Thursday, April 1, 2004 - Afternoon Meeting

From the U.S. President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health:

Mr. Michael Hogan, Chair (by videoconference).

From the U.S. Campaign for Mental Health Reform:

Mr. William Emmet, Coordinator.


The Honourable Michael Kirby, Chair

The Honourable Marjory LeBreton, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

*Austin, P.C. (or Rompkey, P.C.), Callbeck, Cook, Cordy, Fairbairn, P.C., Keon, *Lynch-Staunton (or Kinsella), Morin, Robertson, Roche, Rossiter, Trenholme Counsell

* Ex Officio Members

(Quorum 4)

Change in membership of the commitee.

Pursuant to the rule 85(4), membership of the committee was amended as follows:

The name of the Honourable Senator Trenholme Counsell was substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Léger (March 30, 2004).

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