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BANC - Standing Committee

Banking, Commerce and the Economy


Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Banking, Trade and Commerce

Issue No. 11 - Minutes of Proceedings - December 2, 2016

OTTAWA, Friday, December 2, 2016


The Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce met this day at 8:59 a.m., in room 2, Victoria Building, the chair, the Honourable David Tkachuk, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Day, Enverga, Greene, Massicotte, McIntyre, Oh and Ringuette (7).

In attendance: Michaël Lambert-Racine and Brett Capstick, Analysts, Parliamentary Information and Research Services, Library of Parliament.

Also present: The official reporters of the Senate.

Pursuant to the order of reference adopted by the Senate on Tuesday, November 29, 2016, the committee began its examination of Bill S-4, An Act to implement a Convention and an Arrangement for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and to amend an Act in respect of a similar Agreement.


The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance.


Department of Finance Canada:

Brian Ernewein, General Director, Tax Policy Branch;

Stephanie Smith, Senior Chief, Tax Legislation Division, Tax Policy Branch.

The chair made a statement.

Mr. Champagne made a statement and, together with Mr. Ernewein and Ms. Smith, answered questions.

At 9:48 a.m., the committee suspended.

At 9:50 a.m., the committee resumed.

It was agreed that the committee proceed to clause-by-clause consideration of Bill S-4, An Act to implement a Convention and an Arrangement for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and to amend an Act in respect of a similar Agreement.

It was agreed that the title stand postponed.

It was agreed that clause 1, which contains the short title, stand postponed.

It was agreed that clause 2 carry.

It was agreed that clause 3 carry.

It was agreed that clause 4 carry.

It was agreed that clause 1, which contains the short title, carry.

It was agreed that the title carry.

It was agreed that the bill carry.

It was agreed that the chair report Bill S-4 to the Senate.

At 9:53 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.


Lynn Gordon

Clerk of the Committee

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