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Journals of the Senate

51 Elizabeth II, A.D. 2002, Canada

Journals of the Senate

1st Session, 37th Parliament

Issue 109 - Appendix "B"

Thursday, April 25, 2002
1:30 p.m.

The Honourable Daniel Hays, Speaker

THURSDAY, April 25, 2002

The Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence has the honour to present its


Your Committee was authorized by the Senate on April 16, 2002, to examine and report on the need for a national security policy for Canada; respectfully requests, that it be empowered, to engage the services of such counsel and technical, clerical and other personnel as may be necessary, and to adjourn from place to place within and outside Canada for the purpose of such study.

Pursuant to section 2:07 of the Procedural Guidelines for the Financial Operation of Senate Committees, the budget submitted to the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration and the report thereon of that Committee are appended to this report.

Respectfully submitted,






Order of Reference

Extract from the Journals of the Senate of Tuesday, April 16, 2002:

Resuming debate on the motion, as amended, of the Honourable Senator Cordy, seconded by the Honourable Senator Milne,

That the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence be authorized to examine and report on the need for a national security policy for Canada. In particular, the Committee shall be authorized to examine:

(a) the capability of the Department of National Defence to defend and protect the interests, people and territory of Canada and its ability to respond to or prevent a national emergency or attack;

(b) the working relationships between the various agencies involved in intelligence gathering, and how they collect, coordinate, analyze and disseminate information and how these functions might be enhanced;

(c) the mechanisms to review the performance and activities of the various agencies involved in intelligence gathering; and

(d) the security of our borders.

That the Committee report to the Senate no later than October 30, 2003, and that the Committee retain all powers necessary to publicize the findings of the Committee until November 30, 2003; and

That the Committee be permitted, notwithstanding usual practices, to deposit any report with the Clerk of the Senate, if the Senate is not then sitting; and that the report be deemed to have been tabled in the Chamber.

After debate,
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

Paul C. Bélisle

Clerk of the Senate


Professional and Other Services    $ 124,600
Transportation and Communications    $ 262,675
All Other Expenditures    $ 12,000
TOTAL    $ 399,275

The foregoing budget was approved by the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence on Monday, February 18, 2002.

The undersigned or an alternate will be in attendance on the date that this budget is being considered.

Date    Chair, Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence
Date    Chair, Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration



1. Senior Military Consultant (0401)
12 months @ $2,400    $ 28,800
Military Consultant (0401)
12 months @ $1,000    $ 12,000
Senior Security Consultant (0401)
12 months @ $2,000    $ 24,000
Communications Consultant (0401)    $ 5,000
Consultant – U.S. Fact-Finding Trip    $ 10,000
2. Reporting Services    $ 15,300
6 days at $2,150 = $12,900
6 days at $400 = $2,400
3. Interpretation Equipment
6 days at $2,500 = $15,000    $ 15,000
4. Working meals (0415)    $ 9,500
5. Hospitality (0410)    $ 2,000
6. Conference registration (0406)    $ 3,000
TOTAL    $ 124,600


7. Travel Expenses (0201)
Committee summer travel – Edmonton
4 days – 3 nights
Fact-finding (June 2002)
9 Senators
4 Staff (1 clerk, 1 consultant, 1 researcher, 1 media relations)
(a) Air Transportation    $ 32,500
Ottawa – Edmonton – Ottawa
9 x $3,500 (business class) = $31,500
4 x $3,000 (economy class) = $12,000
2 Senators live in West so estimate for senators = $26,500
Seat sale for staff = $6,000
Total $26,500 + $6,000 = $32,500
(b) Ground Transportation    $ 1,300
taxis to and from airports
(c) Hotel Accommodation
13 x 3 nights at $195 = $7,605    $ 7,605
(d) Per Diems
13 x 4 days at $60 = $3,120    $ 3,120
(d) Contingencies    $ 3,000
Total    $ 47,525
Committee travel to Vancouver and Calgary
5 days – 4 nights
Public Hearings (date to be determined)
9 Senators
10 Staff (1 clerk, 3 consultants, 1 researcher, 1 media relations,
3 interpreters and 1 stenographer)
(a) Air Transportation    $ 48,000
Ottawa – Vancouver – Calgary – Ottawa
Business class 9 x $4,394 = $39,546
2 Senators from West = $33,000
Economy class 10 x $3,760 = $37,600
Seat sale tickets = $15,000
Total = $33,000 + $15,000 = $48,000
(b) Ground Transportation    $ 1,900
taxis 4 x $25 x 19 = $1,900
(c) Hotel Accommodation    $ 14,820
19 x 4 nights at $195 = $14,820
(d) Per Diems    $ 5,700
19 x 5 days at $60 = $5,700
(e) Contingencies    $ 3,000
Total    $ 73,420
Committee travel to Halifax
3 days – 2 nights
Public Hearings (date to be determined)
9 Senators
10 Staff (1 clerk, 3 consultants, 1 researcher, 1 media relations,
3 interpreters and 1 stenographer)
(a) Air Transportation    $ 23,000
Ottawa – Halifax – Ottawa
9 x $1,700 (business class) = $15,300
10 x $1,500 (economy class) = $15,000
Note: 2 senators live in Halifax and 1 in region.
Estimate for senators = $11,500
Seat sale tickets for staff = $11,500
Total = $11,500 + $11,500 = $23,000
(b) Ground Transportation    $ 1,900
taxis 4 x $25 x 19 = $1,900
(c) Hotel Accommodation    $ 7,410
19 x 2 nights at $195 = $7,410
(d) Per Diems    $ 3,420
19 x 3 days at $60 = $3,420
(e) Contingencies    $ 3,000
Total    $ 38,730
Committee travel to Washington D.C.
5 days – 4 nights
Fact-finding (March 2003)
9 Senators
6 Staff (1 clerk, 3 consultants, 1 researcher and 1 media relations)
(a) Air Transportation    $ 25,000
Ottawa – Washington – Ottawa
Only economy available from Ottawa
15 x $2,000 = $30,000
Note: Seat sale for staff
Total = $25,000
(b) Ground Transportation    $ 4,700
15 x taxis 4 x $25= $1,500
4 x bus at $800 = $3,200
(c) Hotel Accommodation    $ 19,500
15 x 4 nights at $325 = $19,500
(d) Per Diems    $ 7,500
15 x 5 days at $100 = $7,500
(d) Contingencies    $ 5,460
Total    $ 62,160
Committee Task Force Travel – Border Crossing
3 days – 2 nights
Fact-Finding (date to be determined)
4 Senators
2 staff ( 1 clerk and 1 researcher)
(a) Air Transportation    $ 5,400
Ottawa – Windsor – Ottawa
6 x $900 = $5,400
(b) Ground Transportation    $ 600
6 x 4 x $25 = $600
(c) Hotel Accommodation    $ 2,340
6 x 2 nights at $195 = $2,340
(d) Per Diems    $ 1,080
6 x 3 days at $60 = $1,080
(e) Contingencies    $ 580
Total    $ 10,000
Committee Travel to Conferences in
Vancouver, Halifax, Washington,
London and Brussels.
3 days, 2 nights per North American Conference
5 days, 4 nights per European Conference
(1 senator per conference)
(a) Air Transportation    $ 19,500
Ottawa – Vancouver – Ottawa
Business Class 1 x $4,000
Ottawa – Halifax – Ottawa
Business Class 1 x $1,700
Ottawa – Washington – Ottawa
1 x $2,000
Ottawa – London – Ottawa
Business class 1 x $6,150
Ottawa – Brussels – Ottawa
Business class 1 x $5,650
(b) Ground Transportation    $ 1,000
(c) Hotel accommodation    $ 4,230
Canada (Vancouver and Halifax)
2 x 2 nights at $195 = $780
1 x 2 nights at $325 = $650
2 x 4 nights at $350 = $2,800
(d) Per Diems    $ 1,910
Canada: 2 x 3 days at $60 = $360
U.S.: 1 x 3 days at $100 = $300
Europe: 2 x 5 days at $125 = $1,250
(e) Contingencies    $ 2,000
Total    $ 28,640
Distribution of press releases (0225)    $ 2,200
TOTAL    $ 262,675


Rental of meeting rooms (0500)    $ 4,000
Purchase of stationery, books and periodicals (0702)    $ 2,000
Miscellaneous (0799)    $ 6,000
Total    $ 12,000
GRAND TOTAL    $ 399,275

The Senate administration has reviewed this budget application.

Heather Lank, Principal Clerk of Committees and Private Legislation    Date
Richard Ranger, Director of Finance    Date


Thursday, April 25, 2002

The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration has examined the budget presented to it by the Chair of the Standing Committee on National Security and Defence for the proposed expenditures of the said Committee for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2003 for the purpose of its Special Study on the need for a national security policy for Canada, as authorized by the Senate on Tuesday, April 16, 2002. The approved budget is as follows:

Professional and Other Services    $ 90,000
Transport and Communications    $ 101,000
Other Expenditures    $ 7,000
TOTAL    $ 198,000

Respectfully submitted,



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