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Business of the Senate

Expression of Good Wishes for the Season

December 15, 2022

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ - ]

Honourable senators, we’re finally here. It is the end of 2022, and we are still standing.

When we returned last fall and did so in person, I will admit to missing the option of connecting virtually. That said, it has been so enjoyable to meet in person, grab a coffee — sometimes something a little stronger — and commiserating while we address the problems that confront Canadians and do our best to make things better.

The Senate and Senate committees began sitting more frequently in February, and we are now almost back to normal. Please know that I am grateful for the work that’s been done and the progress that’s been made on studies and legislation.

To my colleagues in the GRO, your assistance, Senator Gagné and Senator LaBoucane-Benson, is invaluable. I owe you a great debt of gratitude. We are a small but mighty team. We support one another while we share our ideas, our frustrations and a lot of laughter. I’m grateful for your wisdom, commitment and for your friendship.

To the staff in the GRO, it is not an overstatement to say that we three could not function without all that you do for us. Your research, your briefings, how you organize our days and our lives, your advice, the words you sometimes write for us, the outreach that you do to all of you, your day-to-day interventions in preparing us for our responsibilities in this chamber, and for your friendship as well.

Your support is essential to our work and, by extension, to the work of government, in the best interests of Canada. Thank you.

To my colleagues in leadership, Senators Plett, Saint-Germain, Cordy and Tannas, thank you for the patience that you have shown me and that, frankly, we show one another and that you show to all of us. Our discussions and negotiations are not always easy, but I have never doubted that our debates and our decisions come from the best of places, a place of legitimate concern for Canadians, for this place and a sincere desire to do what is best for the members in your groups, and by extension for the regions that they represent and, of course, for the country as a whole.

We also extend our sincere thanks to the clerks, pages, interpreters, Parliamentary Protective Service officers, reporters, client service officers and Senate Administration staff. This chamber and our committees couldn’t function without your dedication. Thank you so much.

You all did yeoman’s work during the pandemic and you have been by our side constantly, faithfully as we’ve navigated this past year. You deserve enormous credit and recognition, and I know we all share in that gratitude to you.

Senator Furey, thank you. Thank you for your calmness when it is needed, your firm hand when it is necessary, your wisdom, grace and experience. They have been examples and inspirations for the rest of us. I appreciate them enormously, and I appreciate everything you do for us.

Last but not least, I want to thank my wife, Nancy, who seems to have nothing better to do these days than watch the Senate proceedings. So if you are watching, Nancy, thank you for supporting me through this.

As was said earlier by Dan Christmas, our families bear the burden of the work that we all do on behalf of Canadians, so thank you to my dear wife.

To all of you, I wish you the best for the holiday season and for the new year and, through you, please accept my best wishes to all of your families and friends and all that you hold dear. May you have a healthy, prosperous and meaningful 2023.

Whether we celebrate at churches, synagogues, temples, mosques or just around the family table, I really hope the season is filled with family, friends, love and much-deserved rest. Thank you, all.

Hon. Donald Neil Plett (Leader of the Opposition)

Honourable senators, those of you who were at the Internal Economy Committee meeting this morning know that I was a bit of a grinch, so let me end the season, however, by saying a few kind words.

Colleagues, as we approach the end of the session, and as Christmas is just around the corner, I want to take an opportunity to say a few kind words and thank a few people. I prepared a bit of a list.

First on my list of Christmas kindness are thank yous. Let me begin by thanking the Speaker for hosting the Senate’s Christmas party this year. It was a wonderful time to be together after two or three years, whatever it has been. It was a great time to enjoy one another’s company and dance the night away, that is at least until 8:30 p.m. And for some of us, that was enough.

Humour aside, Your Honour, it may be a little early to speak about this, but by Christmas 2023 you will be retired. So this will be our last Senate Christmas together, unless you find a new birth certificate. Therefore, Your Honour, I also want to thank you personally for all that you have done over the years, both in your role as the Speaker as well as in your role prior to that. The role you play in ensuring this chamber runs smoothly, while exercising incredible patience, is something that I have an appreciation for, but your friendship is what I am the most thankful for.

My gratitude is also directed to our Speaker pro tempore, table officers, the Black Rod and his office, our security, the administration and all senators and their staff in this great big family that we call our own.

To my own staff, thank you for the incredible support you offer to me and our caucus. I often brag that I have the best team on Parliament Hill, but I don’t think it’s bragging when you are speaking the truth.

To my caucus and my leadership team, I want to thank you for the year we have shared. As we get smaller in numbers, we have had the opportunity to build strong bonds by working closer than ever before as we continue to be a very effective opposition in the Senate of Canada. Canadians across the country have noticed the incredible work you do on their behalf, so I thank you for your ongoing dedication.

To the leaders of the other groups — Marc, Raymonde, Jane and Scott — may the holidays offer you a nice break. It has been a pleasure. Yes, we have had some difficult discussions, but it has been a pleasure working with all of you.

The next item on my Christmas kindness list this year is one very close to my heart. I want to thank the outstanding men and women in uniform — military, security and firefighters. You are the courageous heroes of our country. Your service provides reassurance and hope for the future. Whether you are abroad or at home, it is my hope that you know our appreciation, as you deserve our highest recognition.

To our veterans, I know that the recent news has caused you much grief, and this is regrettable. I sincerely pray that you may feel in your hearts the true gratitude that Canadians have toward what you have done and what you continue to stand for. You deserve our utmost respect.

This brings me to my third item of Christmas kindness, sing Christmas carols. But last Thursday, I was reminded that Senator Gold and Senator Ringuette together with the Usher of the Black Rod and Senator Cormier are the much more talented ones when it comes to music. Therefore, I will keep quiet on the carolling front. We found out that my forte is dancing, and I thank Senator Pate for dragging me out of my chair and getting me, I would like to say, out of my comfort zone, but my wife reminded me that, after a few drinks, that probably is my comfort zone.

Colleagues, in the spirit of Christmas kindness, I have decided to be brief, but the fourth item and last on my list is to share the true meaning of Christmas for me.

The birth of Christ makes up the essence of this sacred season and brings with it the promise of hope and renewal. This is, indeed, a time for joyful reunions with family and friends, a time to reflect on all of our blessings and a time to give back and to pray for those in need. It is my hope that the Christmas message brings all of us comfort as we reflect on the year that has gone by, and that it gives us hope as we prepare to welcome the year ahead.

So to my Senate family, I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah and all the best for 2023. Please be safe, and I truly look forward to seeing you and spending time with you next year. Thank you, colleagues.

Hon. Raymonde Saint-Germain [ - ]

Honourable senators, I, too, want to wish a merry Christmas to our big Senate family, to senators of all stripes, to our office staff, to the Senate Administration teams, to our chamber team, which is also very important to us, as well as to the members of the Parliamentary Protective Service and Library of Parliament. Senator Plett said it best: “my Senate family.” I think that, when we started meeting in person again in September, we realized that, together, we make up one big family. As in all families, some members are wiser than others, and some tend to bicker, but in the end, we are a group, a family, that pulls together, stands in solidarity and loves one another. That is a beautiful thing, and I am very happy to be part of this family.

My thoughts are also with the members of our Senate family who are not with us today, either for medical reasons or because they are still in mourning for loved ones they lost this year. Our thoughts are with you, dear colleagues. We hope to see you again in 2023, and we are looking forward to it. We know that this first Christmas without your loved ones will be difficult, and our hearts go out to you.

I also want to give special thanks to my fellow colleagues in leadership positions: Senator Gold, Senator Plett, Senator Cordy — the other woman — and Senator Tannas. We have had a lot of negotiations to do this year, indeed, some more difficult than others — I would say challenging — but I’m glad to count on your good faith and camaraderie. Having said that, I know a break until February will do us all some good.

I extend respect and gratitude to our Speaker, Senator Furey, for his understanding and diplomatic guidance in the application of our Rules and practices, as well as for preserving decorum and civility in the upper chamber. This also applies to our Speaker pro tempore, Senator Ringuette. To both of you, I truly appreciate your wisdom, dignity and profound knowledge of this institution.

I also want to take a moment to express my deep gratitude to the Independent Senators Group facilitation team. This is a word that we invented in English. To Senators Dean, Petitclerc, Duncan and our new member on the team, Senator Clement, your support every day in order to serve and represent our wonderful group is vital. I’m privileged to have you by my side.

Colleagues, I’m proud of the work we were all able to do this year, whether in the chamber with thoughtful and impactful interventions, in committees with studies and careful consideration of bills or outside the Senate through public engagements.

To our newly appointed senators and very promising colleagues — Senators Burey, Cardozo, Greenwood, Osler, Patterson and Shugart — every senator in this chamber has something unique to contribute. Do not hesitate to bring your contributions forward and keep making the Senate a vibrant place to adequately serve Canadians.

From all members of the Independent Senators Group, enjoy a wonderful holiday season. Rest up, and we’ll see you all next year. Thank you, meegwetch.

Hon. Jane Cordy [ - ]

Honourable senators, I, too, would like to share some well wishes and extend thanks to you on behalf of the Progressive Senate Group.

As we approach the end of the year, it’s often a time for reflection. We’ve said goodbye to several colleagues this year, including one just this morning. But we’ve also said hello to others, including earlier this week. Welcoming new senators to this chamber tends to remind us of our own experiences enjoying this place. Every time I see new senators coming in, I reflect back to when I came to the Senate for the first time, and it wasn’t just yesterday, but the memories are still very fresh.

I think we all arrive here with big plans, and we learn — some more quickly than others — that things don’t always turn out as we expect. In some of my conversations with our newest senators, I’ve encouraged them to keep an open mind and to visit all committees because many of us have found that we’ve been surprised with what captures our interest, and it has changed the direction of our work.

This year, as the leader, I told everyone to pick out the committees they wanted, and I would just take the ones that were left over. One that was left over was the Fisheries and Oceans Committee. I thought, “I’m from Atlantic Canada, but I don’t know much about fishing except that I love to eat fish.” But I have to tell you, I am loving the committee. The people on the committee are incredible people to work with. The chair, Senator Manning, is very welcoming, and I’ve learned so much. So you can learn things when you go on a committee where you’re not that knowledgeable about what it may entail.

We must remember that things don’t always happen on the timeline that we desire. While that can be frustrating, certainly it often reflects that we’re always working on multiple issues concurrently, and we can never predict when something new will take over our time and our interest.

At this time of reflection, may we all look back on the things that we’ve accomplished with pride. So too shall we consider the ways in which we can do better next year. It’s often noted that while we do not always agree, we are all here working toward the same goal. I’m grateful for our productive exchange of views in the service of all Canadians.

To those we work with, I offer my sincere appreciation for your efforts. To the Speaker and your staff, thank you for your guidance and leadership. To the staff in our Senate offices, thank you for always making us look so good.

On a personal note, Senator Furey, I also want to thank you so much for your work as Speaker. You’re always fair and you ensure that things run well. You also engage leadership in the Senate when making decisions, and that is very much appreciated.

Thank you also to our Speaker pro tempore for always being able to assist so ably.

To the table officers, the pages, reporters, interpreters, translators and other staff in Chamber Operations and Procedure Office, to the Information Services Directorate, the Senate Communications Directorate, the Law Clerk’s office, to committee staff, the Corporate Security Directorate and Property and Services — there are so many people who support the work that we do — on behalf of the Progressive Senate Group, we thank you. You always do your job so well despite all the challenges that we’ve had in the past few years.

When I was reading through the list earlier today, I thought there are a lot of people who help to make the Senate run smoothly.

To the leaders of all the groups — Senator Gold, Senator Plett, Senator Saint-Germain and Senator Tannas — thank you for all that you do in helping things run smoothly in the Senate. We don’t always agree, and that’s a good thing. Sometimes we disagree rather vigorously, but when we leave the room, we all understand that our comments are reflective of what our group believes, and we move on. That’s a great compliment to each and every one of you in leadership. I thank you so much for that. It is indeed a pleasure working with you.

To the members of the Progressive Senate Group, you know that I love you all, and I’m blessed to be working with you. I think so many times, whether we’re in the chamber or whether I’m at home, that we are truly blessed to be working in such a great group. We’re a great team.

I thank you, Senator Dalphond, my able assistant and deputy leader of our group; Senator Bovey, who is our liaison and who will be retiring in 2023 — I can’t believe it; and Senator Francis, who is our chair of the caucus. Together, as leadership, we sit down and talk a lot of things through. Thank you so much for all of that.

I will close by extending my warmest wishes with the hope that we may all have the opportunity to rest and recharge so that we can return refreshed in 2023. As we gather with friends and families to mark the holiday season, I wish everyone health and happiness and enough of a break so that we’re excited to return in 2023.

Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and a very Happy New Year to each and every one of you. Thank you.

Hon. Scott Tannas [ - ]

Honourable senators, I join my fellow leaders in wishing you the best as we conclude our sittings for 2022. During the last year, a whole lot has happened in Canada. We learned that our recovery from several years of pandemic lockdown, the gradual return to work by Canadians and the restarting of our economy is a process, not a destination.

We began the year with a celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, but this event turned to great sadness with her passing in the fall.

We also experienced tragedy during the stabbing spree in Saskatchewan where we lost 12 innocent souls, and we felt that here together.

This year, we saw the “Freedom Convoy” on the streets of the city for several weeks and at some border crossings. Once the streets were cleared, we engaged in Canada’s third national pastime, after hockey and lacrosse, which is to call a commission of inquiry and watch the proceedings.

We saw elections in some provinces. We saw national and provincial leadership campaigns. We received a visit from the Pope. Canada made it to the World Cup. And we cheered 23 times for Mattea Roach on “Jeopardy.”

I mention these events not just to show that it was an eventful year, but to show that despite the good and the difficult times, we as a country keep moving forward. When we move forward, there is always hope for a better tomorrow. That is something that Canadians are known for. We look to the future with optimism.

It is my wish to you, senators, and to our valued colleagues in the administration, in senators’ offices, in security, in broadcasting and interpretation, the people in this chamber and all others who help us do our work here, that you all have a happy holiday with some peace, joy and well-deserved rest.

On a personal note, I also want to say thank you to my colleagues around the table at leadership. It’s a privilege to work with Senator Plett, Senator Gold, Senator Saint-Germain and Senator Cordy. I want to thank my Canadian Senators Group — CSG — colleagues as well for the support that they provide to me, to my other great CSG leadership colleagues and to each other.

Finally, I want to thank all of you. Today, Senator Dan Christmas spoke of his awe and admiration for everyone in this chamber. I know how he feels. I was crying. I can’t believe I was crying. I thought Senator Plett was the only guy who cried. I realize that Dan and I come from small communities, and small communities are wonderful, but there is a real awe that comes from working with 105 great Canadians. It is truly an honour, one that I’m so glad that Dan reminded us all of today in his humble and authentic way.

With that, I’ll close and say happy holidays. To those of you who know me, aloha, and all the best in 2023. Thank you.

The Hon. the Speaker [ - ]

Dear colleagues, as our winter adjournment period approaches, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to each and every member of our Senate family. I know I speak on behalf of all senators as I extend our heartfelt appreciation for the work of our staff and administration across all offices and directorates of the Senate.

A special thank you to our Black Rod and our Senate pages, who work tirelessly to ensure the work in the chamber and in our committees runs smoothly.

To all the hard-working people who make it possible for us senators to do the work we do on behalf of all Canadians, I say thank you. The past few years have been very challenging and at times extremely difficult for us all, but through all of these trying times, each member of the Senate family rose to the occasion and provided invaluable support.

I must say, I am very proud of the progress we made together, despite the unprecedented difficulties and challenges.

The new year will undoubtedly usher in new challenges and opportunities that will allow us to learn and grow. However, I am sure of one thing: You will all be by our side to help us overcome all the challenges that come our way.

It has been said that as we express gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but, rather, to live by them. I hope in some small way that we senators do that each and every day.

To my colleagues and to all those who work with us, please take the time over the next few weeks to spend good, quality time with family and friends. Get as far away from here as you can, turn off your phones and enjoy a well-deserved holiday season.

Hon. Raymonde Gagné (Legislative Deputy to the Government Representative in the Senate) [ - ]

Honourable senators, with leave of the Senate and notwithstanding rule 5-5(j), I move:

That the sitting be suspended to await the announcement of Royal Assent, to reassemble at the call of the chair with a five-minute bell.

The Hon. the Speaker: Is leave granted, honourable senators?

Hon. Senators: Agreed.

The Hon. the Speaker [ - ]

Is it your pleasure, honourable senators, to adopt the motion?

Hon. Senators: Agreed.

(Motion agreed to.)

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