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SOCI - Standing Committee

Social Affairs, Science and Technology


REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE Thursday, February 12, 2004

The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology

has the honour to table its


Your Committee, which was authorised by the Senate to incur expenses for the purpose of its examination and consideration of such legislation and other matters as were referred to it, reports, pursuant to Rule 104, that the expenses incurred by the Committee during the Second Session of the Thirty-seventh Parliament are as follow:

1.   With respect to its examination and consideration of legislation:

Professional and Other Services:  $ 1,704
Transport and Communications


Other Expenditures: $ 1,276
Witness Expenses:

$ 13,475


$ 16, 455


2.   With respect to its special study of the health care system:

Professional and Other Services: 

$ 20,279

Transport and Communications

$ 6,219

Other Expenditures:


Witness Expenses: $ 3,650


$ 30,148


3.   With respect to its special study of the document entitled Santé en français – Pour un meilleur accès à des services de santé en français :

Professional and Other Services: 


Transport and Communications Nil
Other Expenditures: Nil

Witness Expenses:

$ 1,461


$ 1,461


4.      With respect to its special study on mental health and mental illness:

Professional and Other Services:  $ 12,239
Transport and Communications $ 15,691
Other Expenditures: $ 1,611
Witness Expenses: $ 18,954

Total: $ 48,495


5.   With respect to its special study on public health:
Professional and Other Services: 

$ 4,895

Transport and Communications Nil
Other Expenditures: Nil
Witness Expenses:

$ 5,236


$ 10,131


During the session in question, your Committee received 16 orders of reference, held 36 meetings, and received evidence from 200 witnesses over a period of approximately 67 hours.   Eleven bills were referred to the Committee. In total, your Committee produced 16 reports including substantive reports on the healthcare system, on French-language healthcare and on health protection and promotion in Canada.

Respectfully submitted,

Deputy Chair

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