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APPA - Standing Committee

Indigenous Peoples

Meeting Detail

Wednesday, June 2, 1999
5:45 PM ET
Location: Room 160-S, Centre Block
Clerk: Jill Anne Joseph (613) 944-4236
Examine and report upon Aboriginal self-government
  • Mr. Ernest Awashish, President(Conseil de la Nation Atikamekw)
  • Mr. Marc Dubé, Chief Negotiator(From the Conseil de la nation Atikamekw)
  • Mr. Arnold Goodleaf, Intergovernmental Relations Team (IRT)(From the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake)
  • Grand Chief Joseph Tokiro Norton(Mohawk Council of Kahnawake)
  • Mr. Frank Vieni, Federal Negotiator(From the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription
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