42nd Parliament,
1st Session
(December 3, 2015 - September 11, 2019)
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Meeting Detail
Bill S-3, An Act to amend the Indian Act (elimination of sex-based inequities in registration)
- Perry Bellegarde, National Chief(Assembly of First Nations)
- Robert Bertrand, National Chief(Congress of Aboriginal Peoples)
- Frankie Cote, Senior Manager, Engagement(Congress of Aboriginal Peoples)
- Lynne Groulx, Executive Director(Native Women's Association of Canada)
- Francyne Joe, President(Native Women's Association of Canada)
- Drew Lafond, Director(Indigenous Bar Association)
- Marilee A. Nowgesic, Executive Director(Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association)
- Denise Stonefish, Deputy Grand Chief and Chair, Assembly of First Nations Women's Council(Assembly of First Nations)
- Stuart Wuttke, General Counsel(Assembly of First Nations)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription