41st Parliament,
2nd Session
(October 16, 2013 - August 2, 2015)
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Meeting Detail
Study of the Hague Abductions Convention
- Laura Arndt, Director of Strategic Development(Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth (Ontario))
- Irwin Elman, Provincial Advocate(Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth (Ontario))
- Deputy Chief Murray Stooke(Calgary Police Service)
- Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, Representative for Children and Youth(Office of the Representative for Children and Youth, British Columbia)
Study of the Hague Abductions Convention
- Shane Foulds, Legal Counsel(Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario)
- Penelope Lipsack, Barrister and Solicitor, Legal Services Branch(Ministry of Justice of British Columbia)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription