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RIDR - Standing Committee

Human Rights

Meeting Detail

Monday, May 27, 2002
4:04 PM ET
Location: Room 257, East Block
Clerk: Till Heyde (613) 992-5084
Study of the status of Canada's adherence to international human rights instruments and on the process whereby Canada enters into, implements, and reports on such agreements
  • Gisèle Bourret, Representative(From the Fédération des femmes du Québec)
  • Andrée Côté, Director of Legislation and Law Reform(From the National Association of Women and the Law)
  • John W. Foster, Principal Researcher (Civil Society), North-South Institute(As an individual)
  • Diane Matte, Co-ordinator, World March of Women(From the Fédération des femmes du Québec)
  • Alex Neve, Secretary General(From Amnesty International Canada)
  • Andrew Thompson, Chile/Peru Co-ordinator(From Amnesty International Canada)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription
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