43rd Parliament,
2nd Session
(September 23, 2020 - August 15, 2021)
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Meeting Detail
Bill C-32, An Act to amend the Tobacco Act
- Richard Brousseau, President(BCTGM)
- Cynthia Callard, Executive Director(Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada)
- Rob Cunningham, Senior Policy Analyst(Canadian Cancer Society)
- François Damphousse, Director, Quebec Office(Non-Smokers' Rights Association)
- Flory Doucas, Codirector(Coalition québécoise pour le contrôle du tabac)
- Luc Dumulong, Vice President(Distribution G.V.A. Inc.)
- Michel Gadbois, Executive Vice President(Canadian Convenience Stores Association)
- Phil Jansson, Youth Facilitator(Eastern Ontario Area Youth Coalition)
- Luc Martial, Government Affairs(Casa Cubana)
- Debra Steger, International Trade Law Expert(Rothmans, Bensons & Hedges Inc., and Philip Morris)
Bill C-32, An Act to amend the Tobacco Act
Clause-by-clause consideration
- Denis Choinière, Director, Office of Regulations and Compliance(Health Canada)
- Paul Glover, Assistant Deputy Minister, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch(Health Canada)
- Diane Labelle, General Counsel, Legal Services Unit(Health Canada)
- Cathy Sabiston, Director General, Controlled Substances and Tobacco Directorate(Health Canada)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription