37th Parliament,
1st Session
(January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)
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Meeting Detail
The state of the health care system in Canada
- Nancy Garrard, Acting Director General, Centre for Healthy Human Development, Population and Public Health Branch(Health Canada)
- Carl Lakaski, Senior Analyst, Mental Health, Health Human Resources Strategies Division, Health Policy andCommunications Branch(Health Canada)
- Tom Lips, Senior Policy Advisor for Mental Health, Population and Public Health Branch(Health Canada)
- Bonnie Pape(Canadian Mental Health Association)
- Ken Ross, Assistant Deputy Minister, Mental Health Services(New Brunswick Department of Health and Wellness)
- John Service, Executive Director(Canadian Psychological Association)
- Phil Upshall, Chair(Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription