37th Parliament,
1st Session
(January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)
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Meeting Detail
Examination on issues facing the intercity busing industry
- Connie Auld, President(Seniors Active Living Centre)
- George Brookins, Owner(Trius Tours Ltd.)
- Olive Bryanton, Coordinator(Senior Federation of Prince Edward Island)
- Alexandra Fischer, TRAX Coordinator, Active and Safe Routes to School Coordinator(Ecology Action Centre)
- John Harding, Assistant General Manager(DRL)
- Brian Hicks, IT Coordinator(Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia)
- Ron Irving, President(Senior College of Prince Edward Island)
- Joan Lay, President(Canadian Pensioner's Concerned - Nova Scotia)
- Stephanie Sodero, TRAX Coordinator, Active and Safe Routes to School Coordinator(Ecology Action Centre)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription