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Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs

Second Session, Thirty-fifth Parliament, 1996

Chairman: The Honourable JOHN B. STEWART

Wednesday, December 4, 1996

Issue No. 16

Second Meeting on: Bill C-61, An Act to implement the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement


From the Newbridge Network Corporation:

Mr. Leo Lax, Assistant Vice-President in Business Development.

From the Mennonite Central Committee of Canada:

Mr. William Janzen, Director of MCCC's Ottawa office.

From the National Council on Canada-Arab Relations:

Dr. Atif Kubursi, Senior Member of the Board of Directors;

Mr. Michael Lynk, Member of the Executive Committee.

From the Canada-Israel Committee:

Mr. Shimon Fogel, Director, Government Relations;

Mrs. Maureen Appel Molot, Professor.

From the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade:

Mr. Ron MacDonald, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary.


The Honourable John B. Stewart, Chairman

The Honourable Pat Carney, P.C., Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Anderson, Andreychuk, Bolduc, Corbin, De Bané, P.C., Doody, *Fairbairn, P.C. (or Graham), Grafstein, *Lynch-Staunton (or Berntson), Ottenheimer, Stollery, Whelan, P.C.

* Ex Officio Members

(Quorum 4)

Change in Membership of the Committee:

Pursuant to Rule 85(4), membership of the Committee was amended as follows:

The name of the Honourable Senator Anderson was substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Moore. (December 4, 1996)

The name of the Honourable Senator Stollery was substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Mercier. (December 4, 1996)

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