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Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Transport and Communications

Second Session Thirty-fifth Parliament, 1996-97

Chair:The Honourable LISE BACON

Monday, February 17, 1997

Issue No. 10

First meeting on; Bill C-57, An Act to amend the Bell Canada Act


From the Department of Industry:

Mr. Leonard St-Aubin, Director, Business and Regulatory Analysis, Telecommunications Policy Branch;

Ms Millie Nickason, Counsel, Industry Canada Legal Services, Department of Justice;

Mr. James Ladouceur, Senior Policy Analyst, Telecommunications Policy Branch.

From Bell Canada:

Sheridan Scott, Vice-President, Multimedia Law and Regulation;

Al Wallace, Vice-President, Regulatory Matters.


The Honourable Lise Bacon, Chair

The Honourable J. Michael Forrestall, Deputy Chairman


The Honourable Senators:

Adams, Atkins, *Fairbairn, P.C. (or Graham), Johnson, *Lynch-Staunton (or Berntson), Mercier, Milne, Perrault, P.C., Poulin, Rompkey, P.C., Spivak, St. Germain

* Ex Officio Members

(Quorum 4)

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