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Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Transport and Communications

Issue 19 - Minutes of Proceedings

OTTAWA, Wednesday, April 23, 1997


The Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications met this day at 3:27 p.m., the Chair, the Honourable Senator Lise Bacon, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Anderson, Bacon, Cochrane, Johnson, Landry, Mercier, Pépin, Perrault, Roberge and Spivak (10).

Other senator present: The Honourable Senator Stollery.

In attendance: Martin Brennan, Expert Consultant; Marc Chénier, Committee Researcher.

Also present: The official reporters of the Senate.


From the City of Toronto:

Martin Silva, City Councillor;

Dan Leckie, City Councillor.

From the Regional Municipality of Toronto:

Jack Layton, Councillor.

From the Toronto Harbour Commission:

Charles D. Parmelee, Chairman;

Howard Joy, Vice-Chairman.

From the Shipping Corporation of Canada:

Francis C. Nicol, President;

Sonia Simard, Executive Assistant to the President.

From the Canadian Shipowners Association:

T. Norman Hall, President.

From the Department of Transport:

Neil MacNeil, Executive Director, Harbours and Ports;

Barrie LePitre, General Counsel, Legal Services.

Pursuant to the Order of Reference adopted by the Senate on Tuesday, April 22, 1997, the committee proceeded to consider Bill C-44, the Canada Marine Act.

The witnesses from the City of Toronto made a statement and answered questions.

It was agreed, -- That the presentation by the witnesses from the City of Toronto be filed with the Clerk of the Committee as Exhibit 5900 T1 -2.35 /C-44, 19, "3".

The witnesses from the Regional Municipality of Toronto made a statement and answered questions.

The witnesses from the Toronto Harbour Commission made a statement and answered questions.

It was agreed, -- That the presentation by the witnesses from the Toronto Harbour Commission be filed with the Clerk of the Committee as Exhibit 5900 T1 -2.35 /C-44, 19, "4".

The witnesses from the Shipping Federation of Canada made a statement and answered questions.

The witnesses from the Canadian Shipowners Association made a statement and answered questions.

It was agreed, -- That the presentation by the Canadian Shipowners Association be filed with the Clerk of the Committee as Exhibit 5900 T1 -2.35 /C-44, 19, "5".

The witnesses from the Department of Transport made a statement and answered questions.

It was agreed, -- That the presentation by the Department of Transport be filed with the Clerk of the Committee as Exhibit 5900 T1 -2.35 /C-44, 19, "6".

The Honourable Senator Cochrane moved that additional groups or individuals be called to appear before the committee.

The question being put on the motion, it was negatived.

The Honourable Senator Pépin moved that Bill C-44, the Canada Marine Act, be adopted without amendment and that the Chair be authorized to report the Bill to the Senate.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

At 6:10 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.


Timothy Ross Wilson

Clerk of the Committee

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