Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Aboriginal Peoples
First Session Thirty-sixth Parliament, 1997-98
Chairman: The Honourable CHARLIE WATT
Tuesday, May 26, 1998
Issue No. 7
Fourth meeting on:
Bill C-6, Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act
From the Deh Cho First Nations:
Mike Nadli, Grand Chief.
From the Liidli Koe First Nation:
Leo Norwegian, Elder.
From the Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation:
Lloyd Chicot, Chief.
From the Akaitcho Territory Tribal Council:
Felix Lockhart, Grand Chief.
From the NWT Dene Nation:
Bill Erasmus, National Chief.
From the Deh Gah Got'ie Dene Council:
Greg Nyuli, Chief.
The Honourable Charlie Watt, Chairman
The Honourable Janis G. Johnson, Deputy Chairman
The Honourable Senators:
Adams, Andreychuk, Austin, P.C., Beaudoin, Berntson, Chalifoux, Forest, * Graham, P.C., (or Carstairs), * Lynch-Staunton (or Kinsella (acting)), Pearson, St. Germain, P.C., Taylor
* Ex Officio Members
(Quorum 4)