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Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on

Issue 17 - Order of Reference

Extract from the Journals of the Senate of Monday, March 25, 2002:

Resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator Comeau, seconded by the Honourable Senator Beaudoin,

That the Standing Senate Committee on Fisheries be authorized to examine and report upon the matters relating to oceans and fisheries;

That the papers and evidence received and taken on the subject during the First Session of the Thirty-seventh Parliament be referred to the Committee;

That the Committee submit its final report no later than June 30, 2003; and

That the Committee be permitted, notwithstanding usual practices, to deposit any report with the Clerk of the Senate, if the Senate is not then sitting; and that the report be deemed to have been tabled in the Chamber.

After debate,

In amendment, the Honourable Senator Cordy moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Léger, that the motion be amended by striking out the words ``June 30, 2003'' and substituting the words ``October 30, 2003''.

The question then being put on the motion in amendment, it was adopted.

The question being put on the main motion as amended, it was adopted.

Paul C. Bélisle

Clerk of the Senate

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