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Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
National Security and Defence

Second Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, 2002-03

Chair: The Honourable COLIN KENNY

Halifax, Monday, September 22, 2003
Halifax, Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Issue No. 22

Twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-first and thirty-second meetings on:

Examination on the need for a national security policy for Canada


Halifax, Monday, September 22, 2003 (morning meeting)

From the Department of National Defence:

Rear-Admiral Glenn V. Davidson, Commander, Maritime Forces Atlantic;

Commander Paul F. Earnshaw, Commanding Officer TRINITY, Joint Ocean Surveillance Information Centre;

Captain (N) Kelly Williams, Former Commanding Officer, HMCS Winnipeg.

From the Canadian Coast Guard:

Mr. Larry Wilson, Regional Director, Maritimes.

Halifax, Monday, September 22, 2003 (afternoon meeting)

From The Royal Canadian Mounted Police:

Chief Superintendent Ian Atkins, Officer in Charge, Criminal Operations Branch;

Superintendent C.D. (Craig) MacLaughlan, Officer in Charge, Support Services ``H'' Division;

Sergeant F.D. (Fred) Hildebrand, ``H'' Division, Criminal Operations Branch.

From Canada Customs and Revenue Agency:

Mr. Robert A. Russell, Assistant Commissioner, Atlantic Region;

Mr. Mark Connolly, Director General, Contraband and Intelligence Services Directorate, Customs Branch.

From the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada:

Ms. Diane Giffin-Boudreau, Acting Director General, Atlantic Region;

Mr. Ron Heisler, Director of Operations, Canada Immigration Centre, Halifax.

From the Union of Canadian Transportation Employees:

Mr. Michael Wing, National President;

Mr. John Fox, Regional Representative, Nova Scotia.

From the Canadian Merchant Service Guild:

Mr. Lawrence Dempsey, National Secretary Treasurer.

Halifax, Tuesday, September 23, 2003 (morning meeting)

From the Halifax Regional Municipality:

Mr. George McLellan, Chief Administrative Officer;

Mr. Barry Manuel, Emergency Measures Organization Coordinator, HRM;

Mr. Frank Beazley, Police Chief, Halifax Regional Police;

Mr. Peter LePine, Inspector, Halifax Detachment, RCMP;

Mr. Bruce Burrell, Deputy Chief Director, Halifax Regional Fire Service;

Mr. Terry Bourgeois, District Chief, Rural District 3, Communications, Fire and Emergency Service, Halifax Regional Municipality;

Mr. Michael McKeage, Director of Operations, Emergency Medical Care;

Mr. Erin Graham, Manager Safety, Capital District Health.

Halifax, Tuesday, September 23, 2003 (afternoon meeting)

From the Nova Scotia Public Safety Anti-Terrorism Senior Officials Committee:

Ms. Ingrid Brodie, Acting Director, Public Safety Initiatives; Policing and Victim Services Division, Nova Scotia Department of Justice;

Dr. Jeff Scott, Provincial Medical Officer of Health;

Chief Superintendent Ian Atkins, Officer in Charge, Criminal Operations Branch, Province of Nova Scotia, Royal Canadian Mounted Police;

Mr. Michael Lester, Executive Director, Emergency Measures Organization.


The Honourable Colin Kenny, Chair

The Honourable J. Michael Forrestall, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Atkins, Banks,*Carstairs, P.C., (or Robichaud, P.C.), Cordy, Day, *Lynch-Staunton, (or Kinsella), Meighen, Smith, P.C., Wiebe

*Ex Officio Members

(Quorum 4)

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