Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
Issue 2 - Minutes of Proceedings
OTTAWA, Thursday, October 24, 2002
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met at 9:03 a.m. this day, the Chair, the Honourable Senator Bacon, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Atkins, Austin, P.C., Bacon, De Bané, P.C., Eyton, Gauthier, Gill, Jaffer, Robichaud P.C. and Stratton (10).
Other senators present: The Honourable Senators LeBreton and Prud'homme, P.C. (2).
In attendance: Mr. Paul C. Bélisle, Clerk of the Senate, other senior Senate officials.
The Clerk of the Senate and Clerk of the Committee presided over the election of the Chair.
2002/10/24/010 — Election of Chair
It was moved by the Honourable Senator Stratton that the Honourable Senator Bacon be elected Chair of the Committee.
The question being put on the motion, it was — Resolved in the affirmative.
2002-10-24-011 — Election of Deputy Chair
It was moved by the Honourable Senator Robichaud that the Honourable Senator Atkins be elected Deputy Chair of the Committee.
The question being put on the motion, it was — Resolved in the affirmative.
2002-10-24/012 — Motion to Print Committee Proceedings
It was moved by the Honourable Senator Gauthier that the committee print 200 copies of its Proceedings.
The question being put on the motion, it was — Resolved in the affirmative.
2002-10-24/013 — Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (Steering Committee)
It was moved by the Honourable Senator Jaffer that the membership on the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (Steering Committee) be composed of the Honourable Senators Atkins (Deputy Chair), Bacon (Chair), and Gill.
The question being put on the motion, it was — Resolved in the affirmative.
2002-10-24/014 — Joint Inter-Parliamentary Council
It was agreed that the Senate membership on the Joint Inter-Parliamentary Council be composed of the Honourable Senators Atkins (Deputy Chair), Bacon (Chair), and Gill.
2002-10-24/015 — Consideration of Committee Budgets
The committee proceeded to the consideration of the budget application of the Standing Committee on social Affairs, Science and Technology.
Social Affairs (Special Study on Health Care System)
Professional and Other Services | $ 23,000 |
Transport and Communications | $ 30,000 |
Other Expenditures | $ 1,400 |
Total | $ 54,400 |
The Deputy Chair of the Committee, Senator LeBreton, made a statement, and answered questions.
After debate, the budget application of $54,400 was adopted and it was agreed to report it to the Senate.
2002-10-24/016 — Review of Committee Budgets
The Chair asked that she be given the opportunity to meet with the members of the Steering Committee before making a recommendation to the committee on the process to review committee budgets.
The committee agreed to this request.
The committee agreed to proceed in camera at 9:39 a.m.
At 9:59 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
OTTAWA, Thursday, October 31, 2002
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met at 9:02 a.m. this day, the Chair, the Honourable Senator Bacon, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Atkins, Bacon, Bolduc, Bryden, De Bané, P.C., Gauthier, Gill, Jaffer, Kroft, Robichaud, P.C. and Stratton (11).
Other senator present: The Honourable Senator Prud'homme, P.C. (1).
In attendance: Mr. Paul C. Bélisle, Clerk of the Senate.
From the Senate:
Mr. Pierre Tessier, Manager, Accommodation, Planning and Projects and Senate Liaison to the Parliamentary Precinct Oversight Advisory Committee..
As an individual:
Mr. Ron Yaworski, Security Consultant.
From the Senate Parliamentary Precinct Services
Mr. Serge Gourgue, Director, and Chief Superintendent.
From the Senate Protective Services:
Mr. Raymond Pitre, Assistant Director.
2002-10-31/020 — Senate Long Term Accommodation Strategy Update
The Clerk made an opening statement on the background of the short-term and long-term accommodation plans. He noted that Senator Rompkey continues to oversee the long-term plan.
The committee proceeded to the consideration of the Senate Long Term Accommodation Strategy Update.
Mr. Pierre Tessier, Manager, Accommodation, Planning and Projects made a presentation to the Committee.
After debate, the Chair thanked Mr. Tessier for his presentation. She noted that the Standing Committee will be considering the proposal to re-establish a working group to deal with matters of heritage assets at a future meeting.
It was moved by Senator Stratton that the committee proceed in camera.
The question being put on the motion, it was — Resolved in the affirmative.
Accordingly, at 9:37 a.m. the committee proceeded in camera.
At 10:22 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
OTTAWA, Thursday, November 7, 2002
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met at 9 a.m. this day, the Chair, the Honourable Senator Bacon, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Atkins, Austin, P.C., Bacon, Bolduc, Bryden, Gauthier, Gill, Phalen, Poulin, Robichaud, P.C. and Stratton (11).
In attendance: Mr. Paul C. Bélisle, Clerk of the Senate and other senior Senate officials.
From Public Works and Government Services Canada:
Mr. Michel J. Cardinal, Chief Executive Officer, Translation Bureau;
Mr. Gilles Martel, Director, Interpretation and Parliamentary Translation, Translation Bureau.
2002-11-07/022 — Translation Agreement
The committee proceeded to the consideration of the Translation Agreement and Guidelines between the Senate of Canada and the Translation Bureau.
Mr. Michel J. Cardinal, Chief Executive Officer, Translation Bureau made a statement and with Mr. Gilles Martel, Director, Interpretation and Parliamentary Translation, answered questions.
The committee was informed that the Translation Bureau provides translation and sign language interpretation during the House of Commons question period. However, it does not provide any funding for Senate reporters.
After debate, it was agreed that Senate officials meet with the Translation Bureau to determine the comparability of support and services, including related costs, offered to the Senate and the House of Commons and to report these findings to the committee at a later date. Further, it was agreed that the decision regarding approval of the Agreement be deferred until that time.
2002-11-07/023 — Adoption of Minutes of Proceedings
Senator Gauthier moved that the minutes of Proceedings of October 8, 10, 24 and 31, 2002 be adopted.
The question being put on the motion, it was — Resolved in the affirmative.
2002-11-07/024 — 2004 CPA Conference
The Clerk informed the Committee that the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association — Canadian Region had been authorized by the Joint Inter-Parliamentary Council to seek approval in principle from the Committee to host the 50th Annual Conference of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association in Ottawa, Quebec City and Toronto in September 2004. Similar approval had already been given by the House of Commons Board of Internal Economy.
While the budget for this conference would only be required in 2004-2005, the committee was informed that approximately one-third of the costs would need to be provided by the federal branch, with one-third by the 13 provincial and territorial branches and the remaining amount would be covered through revenues generated by the conference itself.
After debate, it was agreed that the recommendation to host the 2004 CPA Conference be adopted in principle.
2002-11-07/025 — International and Inter-Parliamentary Affairs — Africa Seminar, January 30 - February 12, 2003
The Clerk informed the committee that Speaker Hays had received a letter from the Speaker of the House of Commons regarding a decision taken by the Board of Internal Economy to sponsor a seminar in Commonwealth Africa on parliamentary democracy. If the project were to receive approval from the Committee, the required budget of $198,496 would be funded under the usual 30percent-70percent cost-sharing arrangement, with the Senate providing roughly $ 60,000.
After debate, it was agreed that the proposal be adopted, subject to the Steering Committee making additional inquiries about the context in which the project was initiated.
2002-11-07/026 — Artwork Advisory Working Group
The Chair noted that in the previous session, the committee had created a working group to provide advice and oversight on matters related to the acquisition of heritage assets and works of art for the Senate, the display of works of art and the development of supporting policies and guidelines. The members were Senators Kroft, Meighen, Johnson, Moore and Joyal.
It was agreed that the mandate and the membership for the Artwork Advisory Working Group be renewed.
At 9:45 a.m., the committee proceeded in camera.
At 10:26 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
OTTAWA, Thursday, November 21, 2002
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met at 10:05 a.m. this day, the Chair, the Honourable Senator Bacon, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Atkins, Austin, P.C., Bacon, Bolduc, Bryden, Eyton, Gauthier, Kroft, Robichaud, P.C. and Stratton (11).
Other senator present: The Honourable Marcel Prud'homme, P.C. (1).
In attendance: Mr. Gary O'Brien, A/Clerk of the Senate and other senior Senate officials.
2002-11-21/030 — Process for Consideration of Committee Budgets
The Chair made a statement regarding the consideration of committee budgets, with Dr. Heather Lank, Principal Clerk, Committees and Private Legislation, on hand to answer questions.
Senator Bacon informed the committee that 8 committee budgets had been submitted for review and that a total of $1.3M was available for allocation. She then presented the process that the Steering Committee wished to recommend for the allocation of funds to committees for the remainder of 2002-2003 as follows:
(a)That the Steering Committee undertake the review of committee budgets and make recommendations to the full Committee;
(b)That committees be required to request from Internal Economy permission to transfer funds between the public hearings, fact-finding, and conferences;
(c)That when funds granted for a particular trip are not used, the remaining monies shall be returned to the Internal Economy Committee for redistribution.
The Chair noted that budget submissions from committee chairs would be heard on November 26, December 3 and December 10 and that a report on the first set of budgets would be made to the full committee at its next meeting.
After debate, it was agreed that the process for the consideration of committee budgets for the remainder of 2002- 2003 be adopted as presented. It was also suggested that committee chairs be asked to indicate the foreseeable direction their respective committees would wish to take in 2003-2004. While this information would not be considered as a formal budget request, it could assist the committee in its deliberations regarding funding for the current fiscal year.
2002-11-21/031 — CRTC / CPAC Decision
The Chair referred the committee to the recent CRTC decision concerning license renewal for CPAC, which had been circulated to members for information only, and drew their attention to sections 32 to 43. The Committee was informed that the matter would be brought forth at a future meeting for discussion.
The Deputy Chair wished to signal the importance of the CRTC decision to the Senate and thanked honourable Senators Kroft and Kenny and Senate legal counsel, Mr. Gilles Daigle, for their work on the file.
2002-11-21/032 — Exclusion to Freeze on International Travel
Senator Austin asked that the committee consider the following.
In recent years, individual senators have not been permitted to undertake any international travel. Given the important and multifaceted relationship which exists between the United States and Canada, it is recommended that senators be permitted to use their travel points for trips to the United States under the following conditions:
-that no more that two trips be permitted per fiscal year;
-that the purpose of such travel be related to the work carried out by a committee or parliamentary association of which the senator is a member; and
-that such travel be authorized by the Steering Committee of that Committee.
Senator Robichaud asked that close study be given to the proposal to allow international travel to the US in recognition of its special relationship to Canada. The Senator noted that stronger ties with France and other French- speaking nations could be beneficial when dealing with issues related to ``la francophonie'' and that other groups could justifiably argue that Canada could benefit from stronger links with other countries as well.
The Chair noted that this proposal would be considered by the Steering Committee in light of the issues surrounding international travel, as well as the financial implications of such an exclusion.
At 10:57 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Gary O'Brien
A/Clerk of the Senate and A/Clerk of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
Catherine Pearl-Côté
Recording Secretary
OTTAWA, Thursday, November 28, 2002
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met at 9:20 a.m. this day, the Chair, the Honourable Senator Bacon, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Atkins, Bacon, Bolduc, Bryden, De Bané, P.C., Gauthier, Gill, Robichaud, P.C. and Stratton (9).
In attendance: Mr. Paul C. Bélisle, Clerk of the Senate and other senior Senate officials.
As an individual:
Mr. Gilles Marc Daigle, Counsellor in Administrative and Public Law, Gowling, Lafleur, Henderson.
2002-11-28/033 — Adoption of Minutes of Proceedings
Senator Bacon noted that the comments made by Senator Robichaud at the November 21, 2002 meeting, concerning La Francophonie, had not been included.
It was agreed that the Minutes of Proceedings of the November7, 2002 meeting be adopted as presented and that the Minutes of Proceedings of November 21, 2002 be adopted with the following modification.
2002-11-21/032 — Exclusion to Freeze on International Travel
Senator Austin asked that the committee consider the following.
In recent years, individual senators have not been permitted to undertake any international travel. Given the important and multifaceted relationship which exists between the United States and Canada, it is recommended that senators be permitted to use their travel points for trips to the United States under the following conditions:
-that no more that two trips be permitted per fiscal year;
-that the purpose of such travel be related to the work carried out by a committee or parliamentary association of which the senator is a member; and
-that such travel be authorized by the Steering Committee of that Committee.
Senator Robichaud asked that close study be given to the proposal to allow international travel to the US in recognition of its special relationship to Canada. The Senator noted that stronger ties with France and other French — speaking nations could be beneficial when dealing with issues related to ``la francophonie'' and that other groups could justifiably argue that Canada could benefit from stronger links with other countries as well.
The Chair noted that this proposal would be considered by the Steering Committee in light of the issues surrounding international travel, as well as the financial implications of such an exclusion.
2002-11-28/034 — Translation and Interpretation
Senator Gauthier informed the Committee that he met with Mr. Gilles Martel, Director, Interpretation and Parliamentary Translation, Public Works and Government Services Canada, regarding interpretation and written translation. He learned that while the Interpretation and Parliamentary Translation Bureau provides interpretation services for the House of Commons OR covers the cost of interpretation services at the House of Commons, it does not provide funds for the Senate's written translation services.
Mr. Gary O'Brien informed the Committee that he would discuss this issue with Mr. Martel at their November 29, 2002 meeting.
2002-11-28/035 — First Report of the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure
Senator Bacon presented the First Report of the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (Steering Committee) as follows:
Thursday, November 28, 2002
The Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration has the honour to present its
The Chairs of the following committees appeared before your Subcommittee to defend and explain their budget requests:
1. Agriculture and Forestry (one special study budget)
2. Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources (one legislative budget and one special study budget)
3. Fisheries (one special study budget)
4. National Security and Defence (one special study budget)
5. Transport and Communications (one legislative budget and one special study budget)
These seven budget requests amount to a total of $947,685. In addition, certain Chairs indicated that their committees may submit new budget requests later this fiscal year if the Senate approves additional orders of reference.
Your Subcommittee is planning to meet on Tuesday, December 3 to hear from several other Committee Chairs, and further meetings on committee budgets will be held if required. Committees that have not yet done so are strongly encouraged to submit their budgets as soon as possible.
Your Subcommittee is aware that many committees have ambitious work plans and any delay in funding makes it difficult for committees to organize and undertake their work. However, your Subcommittee is not comfortable recommending the release of funds without a better idea of what the total demands are likely to be. Your Subcommittee recognizes that it may not be possible for it to have a complete picture, since committees cannot submit budgets for studies for which they have not yet received an order of reference from the Senate. In addition, there are sometimes unexpected developments, which result in new demands on the budget. Nonetheless, your Subcommittee would like to hear from as many Chairs as possible before recommending the release of funds. Since several Chairs are scheduled to appear on December 3, your Subcommittee plans to hear at least those requests before recommending the release of funds.
Your Subcommittee wishes to remind Senators that there are some $1.3 million available for distribution to committees for the remainder of this fiscal year.
Respectfully submitted,
The Chair noted that she would be writing to Committee Chairs advising them to present their budget requests as soon as possible.
After debate, it was agreed that the first report be adopted as presented.
2002-11-28/036 — CRTC decision regarding CPAC
Senator Bacon made a statement and Mr. Gary O'Brien and Mr. Gilles Daigle, Legal Counsel, Gowling, Lafleur, Henderson, answered questions.
The Chair presented the following motion:
That the Committee authorize the Sub-committee on Agenda and Procedure (Steering Committee) to commence negotiations with CPAC based upon the CRTC decision renewing CPAC's licence in which the Commission requires CPAC to provide Canadians with bicameral broadcast coverage, including the proceedings of Senate committees.
It was moved by the Honourable Senator Bolduc that the motion be adopted.
The question being put on the motion, it was — Resolved in the affirmative.
2002-11-28/037 — Information Technology Renewal (presentation)
It was agreed that this item be deferred to the next meeting.
2002-11-28/038 — Artwork Advisory Working Group
The Chair informed the committee that Senator Mahovlich has been appointed as a member of the Artwork Advisory Working Group
At 10:25 a.m., the committee proceeded in camera.
At 10:30 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
OTTAWA, Thursday, December 5, 2002
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met at 9:05 a.m. this day, the Chair, the Honourable Senator Bacon, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Atkins, Bacon, Bolduc, Bryden, De Bané, P.C., Eyton, Gauthier, Gill, Jaffer, Kroft, Robichaud, P.C. and Stratton (12).
Other senators in attendance: The Honourable Senators Forrestall, Nolin and Prud'homme, P.C. (3).
In attendance: Mr. Paul C. Bélisle, Clerk of the Senate and other senior Senate officials.
From Senate Information Management:
Ms. Hélène Bouchard, Manager.
2002-12-05/040 — Second Report of the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure
Senator Bacon presented the Second Report of the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (Steering Committee) as follows:
Thursday, December 5, 2002
The Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration has the honour to present its
Your Subcommittee considered the budget submissions from the following committees:
1. Banking, Trade and Commerce (one legislative budget and three special study budgets)
2. Foreign Affairs (one special study budget)
3. Aboriginal Peoples (one legislative budget and one special study budget)
4. Social Affairs, Science and Technology (one legislative budget)
5. National Finance (one legislative budget)
6. Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament
7. Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
These eleven budget requests amount to a total of $652,759. Your Subcommittee had previously considered requests amounting to $947,685, as reported but not released in your Subcommittee's First Report. In addition $54,400 has already been released by the Senate to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology for its study on health care. Your Subcommittee is aware that several budgets are still pending and will be submitted shortly.
Your Subcommittee wishes to facilitate the work of committees, while taking into account the priorities identified by Chairs and respecting the limits imposed by the Senate budget. Your Subcommittee recommends the release of the following amounts for fiscal year 2002-2003:
1.Aboriginal People (legislation)
Professional and Other Services | $ 4,000 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 300 |
Other Expenditures | $ 700 |
Total | $ 5,000 |
2.Aboriginal People (special study — urban youth)
Professional and Other Services | $ 28,650 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 125,809 |
Other Expenditures | $ 5,000 |
Total | $ 159,459 |
(includes funds for public hearings)
3.Agriculture and Forestry (special study — climate change)
Professional and Other Services | $ 38 000 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 124,950 |
Other Expenditures | $ 2,900 |
Total | $ 165,850 |
(includes funds for public hearings)
4.Banking, Trade and Commerce (legislation)
Professional and Other Services | $ 11,500 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 1,000 |
Other Expenditures | $ 2,500 |
Total | $ 15,000 |
(includes funds for conferences)
5.Banking, Trade and Commerce (special study - financial system)
Professional and Other Services | $ 60,000 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 42,500 |
Other Expenditures | $ 10,000 |
Total | $ 112,500 |
(includes funds for fact-finding)
6.Banking, Trade and Commerce (special study — bank mergers)
Professional and Other Services | $ 3,000 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 0 |
Other Expenditures | $ 2,000 |
Total | $ 5,000 |
7.Banking, Trade and Commerce
(special study—bankruptcy and insolvency)
Professional and Other Services | $ 8,000 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 0 |
Other Expenditures | $ 2,000 |
Total | $ 10,000 |
8.Energy, Environment and Natural Resources (legislation)
Professional and Other Services | $ 10,000 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 500 |
Other Expenditures | $ 1,000 |
Total | $ 11,500 |
9.Energy, Environment and Natural Resources (special study — emerging issues)
Professional and Other Services | $ 26,700 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 87,600 |
Other Expenditures | $ 2,000 |
Total | $ 116,300 |
(includes funds for fact-finding and conferences)
10.Fisheries (special study — straddling stocks and fish habitat)
Professional and Other Services | $ 5,750 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 87,640 |
Other Expenditures | $ 300 |
Total | $ 93,690 |
The recommended release includes funding for the Committee's fact-finding trip, but does not include the requested funding for conferences.
11. Foreign Affairs (special study — Foreign Relations)
Professional and Other Services | $ 36,750 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 145,428 |
Other Expenditures | $ 11,500 |
Total | $ 193,678 |
(includes funds for public hearings and a conference)
12. Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
12. Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
Professional and Other Services | $ 3,000 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 0 |
Other Expenditures | $ 0 |
Total | $ 3,000 |
13. National Finance (legislation)
Professional and Other Services | $ 3,000 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 0 |
Other Expenditures | $ 0 |
Total | $ 3,000 |
14. National Security and Defence (special study — national security policy)
Professional and Other Services | $ 87,900 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 102,570 |
Other Expenditures | $ 8,700 |
Total | $ 199,170 |
The recommended release includes funding for the Committee's combined public hearing/fact-finding trip scheduled for January 2003, as well as the fact-finding trip scheduled for February 2003. Funding for conferences is also included. It does not include funding for the public hearings scheduled for February 2003. The decision on funding the fact- finding trip to Washington, D.C. has been deferred to the new year.
15. Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament
Professional and Other Services | $ 7,400 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 0 |
Other Expenditures | $ 0 |
Total | $ 7,400 |
16. Social Affairs, Science and Technology (legislation)
Professional and Other Services | $ 2,500 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 0 |
Other Expenditures | $ 0 |
Total | $ 2,500 |
17. Transport and Communications (legislation)
Professional and Other Services | $ 10,000 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 0 |
Other Expenditures | $ 0 |
Total | $ 10,000 |
18. Transport and Communications (special study intercity busing industry)
Professional and Other Services | $ 9,000 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 0 |
Other Expenditures | $ 0 |
Total | $ 9,000 |
These recommended releases amounts to a total of $1,122,047.
Pursuant to the decision of your committee on November 21, 2002 that committees be required to request from the Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration permission to transfer funds between public hearings, fact-finding trips and conferences, your Subcommittee recommends the following:
In order to make the process as efficient as possible, it is recommended that a Committee wishing to make such a transfer send a letter, signed by both the Chair and Deputy Chair, to the Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration explaining the reason for the request and the amounts involved. This letter will be taken into consideration by the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure which will report its recommendation to the Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration, through either a written or verbal report.
The Chair presented the principles upon which the Steering committee had acted, such as:
-The limits of the budget must be respected.
-The release of funds should be done in such a way as to facilitate the work of committees.
-If possible, Chairs should only have to appear once before the Subcommittee.
-Wherever possible, the release of funds should permit committees to plan their work to the end of the fiscal year.
-The priorities identified by Chairs should be taken into account.
-The timing of expenditures should be taken into account.
-Funds which were budgeted and allocated but not used for a particular initiative, should be returned for reallocation, either to the same committee for a different initiative or to another committee.
-Public hearings should be funded at 100percent, so that all members of a committee have the option of participating.
-International fact-finding trips should be funded to allow 6 Senators and 2 staff to travel.
-There should be a higher level of support for travel within Canada. Therefore, fact-finding trips within Canada should be funded to allow 9 Senators and 3 staff to travel.
-Conferences should be funded on a selective basis, taking into account whether the committee identified particular conferences and the priorities brought to the Subcommittee's attention.
-Funding for expert research assistance should be funded when the Library of Parliament is unable to provide the necessary resources.
-No funding has been granted for communications consultants for legislative budgets. A reasonable level of funding for communications consultants for special studies is being recommended.
After debate, it was agreed that a note be prepared for the Committee on Internal Economy that would explain the difference between public hearings, fact-finding missions and special studies.
It was agreed that the second report be adopted as presented.
Delegation of the Russian Federation Council Commission of Internal Economy
The Chair welcomed a delegation from the Russian Federation Council's Commission of Internal Economy on Internal Financial Control. The delegation is headed by Mr. Andrey Borisovich Chirkin, Deputy Chair of the Federation Council Commission of Internal Economy.
2002-12-05 / Information Technology Renewal
Mme Hélène Bouchard, Management, Information Management, made a presentation on the challenge and future of information technology.
At 10:30 a.m., the committee proceeded in camera.
At 11:00 a.m., the committee adjourned at the call of the Chair.
Paul C. Bélisle
Clerk of the Senate and Clerk of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
Gary O'Brien
Recording Secretary
OTTAWA, Tuesday, December 10, 2002
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met in camera at 9:05 a.m. this day, the Chair, the Honourable Senator Bacon, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Atkins, Austin, P.C., Bacon, Bolduc, De Bané, P.C., Gauthier, Gill, Jaffer, Robichaud, P.C. and Stratton (10).
Other senator in attendance: The Honourable Senator Rompkey, P.C. (1).
In attendance: Mr. Paul C. Bélisle, Clerk of the Senate and other senior Senate officials.
At 10:30 a.m., the committee adjourned at the call of the Chair.
OTTAWA, Thursday, December 12, 2002
The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met at 9:05 a.m. this day, the Chair, the Honourable Senator Bacon, presiding.
Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Atkins, Austin, P.C. Bacon, Bolduc, De Bané, P.C., Gauthier, Gill, Jaffer, Kroft and Robichaud, P.C. (10).
Other senator in attendance: The Honourable Senator Prud'homme, P.C. (1).
In attendance: Mr. Paul C. Bélisle, Clerk of the Senate and other senior Senate officials.
From the Royal Canadian Mounted Police:
Mr. Giuliano Zaccardelli, Commissioner;
Mr. Dwight McCallum, Assistant Commissioner;
From the Senate Parliamentary Precinct Services:
Mr. Serge Gourgue, Director and Chief Superintendent.
2002-12-12/042 — Third Report of the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure
Senator Bacon presented the Third Report of the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (Steering Committee) as follows:
Thursday, December 12, 2002
The Subcommitee on Agenda and Procedure of the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration has the honour to present its
Your Subcommittee considered the budget submissions from the following committees:
1.Legal and Constitutional Affairs (one legislative budget)
2.Human Rights (one special study budget)
3.Official Languages (one special study budget)
These three budget requests amount to a total of $39,370.
Your Subcommittee recommends the release of the following amounts for fiscal year 2002-2003:
1.Legal and Constitutional Affairs (legislation)
Professional and Other Services | $ 11,600 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 3,270 |
Other Expenditures | $ 1,000 |
Total | $ 15,870 |
(includes funds for conferences)
2.Human Rights (special study)
Professional and Other Services | $ 16,700 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 0 |
Other Expenditures | $ 800 |
Total | $ 17,500 |
3.Official Languages (special study)
Professional and Other Services | $ 4,300 |
Transportation and Communications | $ 400 |
Other Expenditures | $ 300 |
Total | $ 5,000 |
These recommended releases amounts to a total of $38,370.
Respectfully submitted,
After debate, it was agreed that the third report be adopted as presented.
Normalization of Resources and Armed Unit
Senator Bacon introduced Commissioner Zaccardelli and Assistant Commissioner Dwight McCallum.
At 9:10 a.m., the committee continued in camera.
At 11:00 a.m., the committee adjourned at the call of the Chair.
Paul C. Bélisle
Clerk of the Senate and Clerk of the StandinG Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration
Heather Lank
Recording Secretary