Proceedings of the Standing
Senate Committee on
Agriculture and Forestry
First Session, Thirty-eighth Parliament, 2004-05
Chair: The Honourable JOYCE FAIRBAIRN, P.C.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Issue No. 16
Nineteenth meeting on:
The present state and the future of agriculture and forestry in Canada
The Honourable Wayne Easter, P.C., M.P.,
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food with special emphasis on Rural Development
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:
Tom Shenstone, Director General, Policy Planning and Interpretation, Strategic Policy Branch;
Danny Foster, Acting Director General, Business Risk Management Program Development.
The Honourable Joyce Fairbairn, P.C., Chair
The Honourable Leonard Gustafson, Deputy Chair
The Honourable Senators:
*Austin, P.C. (or Rompkey, P.C.), Callbeck, Gill, Hubley, *Kinsella (or Stratton), Mercer, Mitchell, Oliver, Peterson, Segal, Tkachuk
*Ex officio members
(Quorum 4)
Changes in membership of the committee:
Pursuant to rule 85(4), membership of the committee was amended as follows:
The Honourable Senator Kelleher P.C. retired, substitution pending (October 2, 2005).
The name of the Honourable Senator Kinsella is added (October 6, 2005).
The name of the Honourable Senator Segal substituted for that of the Honourable Senator Kinsella (November 2, 2005).