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Rules of the Senate

Appendix II: Provincial Representations to Senate Committees

(Extract from the Second Report of the Standing Committee on Standing Rules and Orders of Tuesday, May 28, 1985. The report was adopted by the Senate on May 30, 1985.)

The Standing Committee on Standing Rules and Orders recommends that the following be observed by committees of the Senate as general practice:

That, whenever a bill or the subject-matter of a bill is being considered by a committee of the Senate in which, in the opinion of the committee, a province or territory has a special interest, alone or with other provinces or territories, then, as a general policy, the government of that province or territory or such other provinces or territories should, where practicable, be invited by the committee to make written or verbal representations to the committee, and any province or territory that replies in the affirmative should be given reasonable opportunity to do so.

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