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Rules of the Senate

Chapter Fourteen: Documents, Journals and Broadcasting

Tabling Documents and Accounts

Tabling by Government

14-1. (1) The Leader or Representative of the Government, or Deputy Leader or Legislative Deputy of the Government may table any papers dealing with the administrative responsibilities of the Government when the Speaker calls for the Tabling of Documents.

Tabling ordered by Senate

14-1. (2) The Senate may order that Government accounts and papers be tabled, and the Leader or Representative of the Government shall cause these papers to be tabled in the Senate.

Tabling by other Senators

14-1. (3) A Senator may, with leave of the Senate, table any paper when the Speaker calls for the Tabling of Documents.

Tabling during debate

14-1. (4) A Senator who is speaking during debate may, with leave of the Senate, table any paper relating to the subject of the debate.

Record of tabling in Journals and Debates

14-1. (5) A record of any paper tabled in the Senate under subsections (1), (3) and (4) of this rule shall be entered in the Journals of the Senate and the Debates of the Senate at the earliest opportunity.

Tabling through the Clerk

14-1. (6) Except as otherwise provided, when there is a requirement that a return, report or other paper be laid before the Senate, the document may be deposited with the Clerk, in either print or electronic form, and it shall then be considered tabled in the Senate.

Rule 15-1(2): Failure to attend two sessions
Rule 15-6(2): Tabling of declarations by Clerk

Record of tabling in Journals

14-1. (7) A record of any paper tabled through the Clerk under this rule shall be entered in the Journals of the Senate at the earliest opportunity.

Royal prerogative

14-2. When the royal prerogative is concerned in any report or paper sought by the Senate, an address shall be presented to the Governor General asking that the report or paper may be tabled in the Senate.

Journals of the Senate

Copies to Governor General

14-3. A copy of the Journals of the Senate, certified by the Clerk, shall be transmitted daily to the Governor General.

Searching of Journals

14-4. The Journals of the Senate may be searched by the House of Commons, just as the Journals of that house may be searched by the Senate.


14-5. The publishing of anything relating to the proceedings of the Senate shall be as ordered by the Senate.


14-6. The Journals of the Senate shall be bound in volumes with full indexes as soon as possible after each session.

Broadcasting of the Senate and Committee Proceedings

Broadcast of Senate proceedings

14-7. (1) Public proceedings in the Senate may be recorded or broadcast, but only through the use of facilities that are installed for that purpose in the Senate Chamber, subject to such arrangements with the Clerk as may be necessary.

Permission to broadcast

14-7. (2) Public proceedings in any committee may be recorded or broadcast, but only through the use of audio facilities that are installed for that purpose in a committee room, subject to such arrangements with the Clerk as may be necessary. In addition, any committee may permit coverage by electronic media of its public proceedings with the least possible disruption of its meetings.

Alternative arrangements

14-7. (3) When a committee meets in a room without audio facilities, the chair of the committee shall, if there is a request and it is practicable, make appropriate arrangements to allow the audio recording or broadcasting of the public proceedings.

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