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Rules of the Senate

Chapter Seven: Time Allocation

With Agreement

Agreement to allocate time

7-1. (1) At any time during a sitting, the Leader or Representative of the Government, or the Deputy Leader or Legislative Deputy of the Government may state that they have reached an agreement with the representatives of the recognized parties and recognized parliamentary groups to allocate a specified number of days or hours either:

(a) for one or more stages of consideration of a government bill, including the committee stage; or

(b) for consideration of another item of Government Business by the Senate or a committee.

Motion on agreement to allocate time

7-1. (2) The Leader or Representative of the Government, or the Deputy Leader or Legislative Deputy of the Government may then, without notice, propose a motion based on the agreement.

Question on agreement to allocate time put immediately

7-1. (3) The question shall be put on the motion immediately, without debate or amendment.

Without Agreement

No agreement to allocate time

7-2. (1) At any time during a sitting, the Leader or Representative of the Government, or the Deputy Leader or Legislative Deputy of the Government may state that they have failed to reach an agreement with the representatives of the recognized parties and the recognized parliamentary groups to allocate time to conclude an adjourned debate on either:

(a) any stage of consideration of a government bill, including the committee stage; or
(b) another item of Government Business.

Notice of motion to allocate time

7-2. (2) After stating that there is no agreement on time allocation, the Leader or Representative of the Government, or the Deputy Leader or Legislative Deputy of the Government may give notice of a motion to allocate time for the adjourned debate, including the committee stage of a bill. The motion shall specify the number of days or hours to be allocated.

Motion to allocate time made an order of the day

7-2. (3) The motion to allocate time shall be an order of the day under Government Motions for the next sitting day.

Only one stage of a bill

7-2. (4) Except as provided in paragraph (5)(c), a motion relating to a government bill under this rule shall allocate time to only one stage of consideration of the bill.

Content of motion to allocate time

7-2. (5) A motion under this rule shall allocate at least:

(a) six hours to complete the adjourned debate:

(i) on a substantive motion, or
(ii) at the second reading stage of a bill;

(b) one calendar day (in the period Monday to Friday) for a committee to report a bill or other item of Government Business, failing which it shall, at midnight, be deemed reported without amendment;
(c) a single period of six hours for both the further consideration of a report on a bill and the third reading stage; or
(d) six hours for further debate at the third reading stage of a bill.

Debate on Motions to Allocate Time

Procedure for debate on motion to allocate time

7-3. (1) When a government motion to allocate time without agreement has been moved:

(a) the debate shall not be adjourned;
(b) debate shall last a maximum of two and one half hours;
(c) during the debate the rules respecting the ordinary time of adjournment shall not apply, and the debate shall instead continue until concluded or the time has expired;
(d) no amendment or other motion shall be received, except a motion that a certain Senator be now heard or do now speak;
(e) Senators shall speak only once;
(f) Senators may speak for a maximum of 10 minutes each, provided that the Leader or Representative of the Government, the Leader of the Opposition, and the leader or facilitator of any other recognized party or recognized parliamentary group may each speak for up to 20 minutes;(g) when debate concludes or the time for debate expires, the Speaker shall put the question; and
(h) any standing vote requested shall not be deferred, and shall be taken according to the ordinary procedure for determining the duration of bells.

Resuming debate on motion to allocate time after evening suspension

7-3. (2) Except as otherwise provided, if debate on a government motion to allocate time without agreement is interrupted for the evening suspension, it shall resume when the Senate reconvenes.

Rule 8-4(1): Adjournment motion for emergency debate
Rule 13-5(1): Consideration of question of privilege
Rule 13-5(2): When question of privilege without notice considered
Rule 13-6(2): Debate on motion on case of privilege

Time-Allocated Government Order of the Day

Government order to which time is allocated

7-4. (1) When a time-allocated government order of the day is called:

(a) the debate shall not be adjourned; and
(b) no amendment or other motion shall be received, except that a certain Senator be now heard or do now speak.

Debate to continue beyond ordinary time of adjournment and no evening suspension

7-4. (2) During debate on a time-allocated government order of the day, the rules respecting the ordinary time of adjournment and the evening suspension of the sitting at 7 p.m. shall not apply. Instead, the debate shall continue until it is concluded or until the time allocated has expired.

Debate on time-allocated government item resumes if interrupted for deferred vote

7-4. (3) Immediately after any interruption for a deferred standing vote, debate on a time-allocated government item of business shall resume without reducing the time available for the order under time allocation.

Debate on time-allocated government item resumes if interrupted for other items of business

7-4. (4) Immediately after any interruption due to a case of privilege, emergency debate or question of privilege, debate on a time-allocated government item of business shall resume without reducing the time available for the order under time allocation.

Question put on time-allocated order

7-4. (5) Except as otherwise provided, when debate on a time-allocated government order of the day concludes or the time expires, the Speaker shall immediately put all the questions necessary to dispose of the item, provided that:

(a) any standing vote requested at or before 5:15 p.m. shall be deferred until 5:30 p.m. on the same day, and the vote shall not be further deferred;
(b) if the vote is requested after 5:15 p.m. and before 5:30 p.m., it shall be deferred to the time that would allow for a 15-minute bell, and the vote shall not be further deferred;
(c) if the vote is requested at 5:30 p.m. or later, it shall be deferred until 5:30 p.m. on the next sitting day; and
(d) if the deferred vote is to be held on a Friday, at any time during a sitting, the Government Whip or Liaison may request a further deferral to 5:30 p.m. on the next sitting day.

Rule 16-1(6): Standing vote may be postponed if in conflict with message

Automatic adjournment in certain cases

7-4. (6) When the question on a time-allocated government order of the day is put after the ordinary time of adjournment, the Speaker shall, after all consequential business is disposed of, declare that a motion to adjourn the Senate has been deemed moved and adopted, and adjourn the Senate until the next sitting.

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