41st Parliament,
1st Session
(June 2, 2011 - September 13, 2013)
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Meeting Detail
Bill C-383, Transboundary Waters Protection Act
- Laura Farquharson, Executive Director, Legislative Governance, Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, Environmental Stewardship Branch(Environment Canada)
- Stephen Gluck, Senior Policy Analyst, U.S. Transboundary Affairs Division(Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada)
- Manon N. Lalonde, Senior Project-Program Engineer, Hydrological and Climatological Services, Meteorological Service of Canada(Environment Canada)
- Larry Miller, M.P., Sponsor of the Bill(As an Individual)
- Martial Pagé, Director General, North America Policy Bureau(Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada)
- Dean Sherratt, Legal Officer(Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription