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AEFA - Standing Committee

Foreign Affairs and International Trade


Information prior to the 40th Parliament is from notices of meetings. For the official record, please refer to the related minutes and transcripts. There are limited electronic records available for the period prior to the 35th Parliament. For historical information, please contact: or 1-800-267-7362

Organization Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending Name / Title Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending Study/Bill Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending Date/Time Activate to sort column ascending Links/Notes
Port Metro Vancouver Chris Badger, Chief Operating Officer Study on the rise of China, India and Russia in the global economy and the implications for Canadian policy Dec 01, 2009
Port Metro Vancouver Duncan Wilson, Director, Communications and Government Affairs Study on the rise of China, India and Russia in the global economy and the implications for Canadian policy Dec 01, 2009
As an Individual Honourable Stockwell Day, P.C., M.P., Minister of International Trade Study on the rise of China, India and Russia in the global economy and the implications for Canadian policy Nov 25, 2009
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada Ping Kitnikone, Director, North Asia Commercial Relations Study on the rise of China, India and Russia in the global economy and the implications for Canadian policy Nov 04, 2009
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada Ken Sunquist, Assistant Deputy Minister (Asia & Africa) and Chief Trade Commissioner Study on the rise of China, India and Russia in the global economy and the implications for Canadian policy Nov 04, 2009
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada Eric Walsh, Director, North Asia Relations Study on the rise of China, India and Russia in the global economy and the implications for Canadian policy Nov 04, 2009
The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University Fen Hampson, Director Study on the rise of China, India and Russia in the global economy and the implications for Canadian policy Nov 03, 2009
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters David T. Fung, Immediate Past Chair of CME and Chairman & CEO of ACDEG International Inc. Study on the rise of China, India and Russia in the global economy and the implications for Canadian policy Oct 27, 2009
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters Jean-Michel Laurin, Vice President, Global Business Policy Study on the rise of China, India and Russia in the global economy and the implications for Canadian policy Oct 27, 2009
As an individual Michael Hart, Simon Reisman Chair in Trade Policy, Carleton University Study on the rise of China, India and Russia in the global economy and the implications for Canadian policy Oct 20, 2009
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