42nd Parliament,
1st Session
(December 3, 2015 - September 11, 2019)
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Meeting Detail
The subject matter of Bill C-91, An Act respecting Indigenous languages
- Claudette Commanda, Executive Director(First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres)
- Lorena Sekwan Fontaine, Indigenous Academic Lead, Associate Professor, University of Winnipeg(As an Individual)
- Susanne Gressner, Research and Development, Linguist(First Peoples' Cultural Council)
- Tracey Herbert, Chief Executive Officer(First Peoples' Cultural Council)
- Robert Matthew, Principal(T'selcéwtqen Clleq'mel'ten/Chief Atahm School)
- Imelda Perley, Elder-in-Residence, Mi'kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre, University of New Brunswick(As an Individual)
- Wanda Wilson, President(Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription