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BANC - Standing Committee

Banking, Commerce and the Economy

Meeting Detail

Televised live on PTN
Thursday, October 24, 2002
11:00 AM ET
Location: Room 505, Victoria Building
Clerk: Denis Robert (613) 993-4874
Bill S-2, An Act to implement an agreement, conventions and protocols concluded between Canada and Kuwait, Mongolia, the United Arab Emirates, Moldova, Norway, Belgium and Italy for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion and to amend the enacted text of three tax treaties
  • Mr. Bryon Wilfert, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance(As an Individual)
  • Mr. Brian J. Ernewein, Director, Tax Legislation Division, Tax Policy Branch(From the Department of Finance)
  • Mr. Andrian Norfolk, Deputy Director, Human Rights, Humanitarian Affairs, International Women's Equality Division(From the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade)
  • Mr. David Sénécal, Acting Chief, Tax Treaties, Tax Legislation Division(From the Department of Finance)
Examine and report upon the present state of the domestic and international financial system
  • The Honourable Maurizio Bevilacqua, Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions).(Department of Finance Canada)
  • Mr. Bob Hamilton, Assistant Deputy Minister, Financial Policy Branch(From the Department of Finance)
  • Mr. Charles Seeto, Director, Financial Sector Division, Financial Sector Policy Branch(From the Department of Finance)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription
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