41st Parliament,
1st Session
(June 2, 2011 - September 13, 2013)
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Meeting Detail
Subject-matter of Bill C-4, A second Budget Implementation Act
- The Honourable Senator Raynell Andreychuk, Chair, Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade(As an individual)
- The Honourable Senator George Baker, Deputy Chair, Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs(As an individual)
- The Honourable Senator Dennis Dawson, Chair, Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications(As an individual)
- The Honourable Senator Art Eggleton, P.C., Deputy Chair, Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology(As an individual)
- The Honourable Senator Irving Gerstein, Chair, Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce(As an individual)
- The Honourable Senator Grant Mitchell, Deputy Chair, Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources(As an individual)
- The Honourable Senator Richard Neufeld, Chair, Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources(As an individual)
- The Honourable Senator Kelvin Kenneth Ogilvie, Chair, Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology(As an individual)
- The Honourable Senator Bob Runciman, Chair, Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs(As an individual)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription