44th Parliament,
1st Session
(November 22, 2021 - Present)
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Meeting Detail
Bill S-4, Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act
- Chief Noah Augustine, Co-chair(Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs)
- Chief Marie-Anne Day Walker-Pelletier, Chair, Saskatchewan First Nations Women's Commission(Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations)
- Ellen Gabriel, President(Quebec Native Women)
- Emma Meawasige, Elder, Serpent River First Nation(Anishinabek Nation)
- Pamela D. Palmater, Chair, Centre for Study of Indigenous Governance, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Ryerson University(As an individual)
- Chief Lawrence Paul, Co-chair(Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs)
- Chief Shining Turtle(Anishinabek Nation)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription