Past Session:
36th Parliament,
2nd Session
(October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)
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Results per page:
Organization Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending | Name / Title Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending | Study/Bill Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending | Date/Time Activate to sort column ascending | Links/Notes |
Veterans Affairs Canada | Richard A. Brunton, Director, Portfolio Legislation | Bill C-41, An Act to amend the statute law in relation to Veterans' benefits | Oct 18, 2000 |
As an Individual | The Honourable Ronald J. Duhamel, P.C., M.P., Minister of Veterans Affairs and Secretary of State, Western Economic Diversification (Francophonie) | Bill C-41, An Act to amend the statute law in relation to Veterans' benefits | Oct 18, 2000 |
Veterans Affairs Canada | Larry Murray, Deputy Minister | Bill C-41, An Act to amend the statute law in relation to Veterans' benefits | Oct 18, 2000 |
Veterans Affairs Canada | Alex Robert, Chief, Legislation (Regulations) | Bill C-41, An Act to amend the statute law in relation to Veterans' benefits | Oct 18, 2000 |
As an Individual | The Honourable Sheila Finestone, P.C. (Sponsor of the bill) | Bill S-27, An Act to guarantee the human right to privacy | Oct 05, 2000 |
As an individual | Eugene Oscapella, Legal Adviser and Specialist in Human Rights | Bill S-27, An Act to guarantee the human right to privacy | Oct 05, 2000 |
As an individual | Graham Scott, Former Deputy Minister of Health, Province of Ontario | Examine the state of the health care system in Canada | Sep 21, 2000 |
Industry Canada | Irving Miller, Senior Counsel, Legal Services | Bill C-5, An Act to establish the Canadian Tourism Commission | Sep 20, 2000 |
Canadian Tourism Commission | Chantal Péan, Director, Industry and Corporate Affairs | Bill C-5, An Act to establish the Canadian Tourism Commission | Sep 20, 2000 |
Canadian Tourism Commission | Jim Watson, President | Bill C-5, An Act to establish the Canadian Tourism Commission | Sep 20, 2000 |