42nd Parliament,
1st Session
(December 3, 2015 - September 11, 2019)
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Meeting Detail
Bill C-48, Oil Tanker Moratorium Act
- Cal Broder, President and Chief Executive Officer(BFH Corp.)
- The Honourable Bronwyn Eyre, Minister of Justice and Attorney General(Government of Saskatchewan)
- Davide Latremouille, Fisheries Habitat Biologist(Skeena Fisheries Commission)
- Dale Mainil, Vice President, Acquisitions(Jerry Mainil Limited)
- Keith Moen, Executive Director(North Saskatoon Business Association)
- Mark Prystupa, Director, Government, Indigenous and Community Relations(Suncor Energy Inc.)
- Blair Stewart, Former Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Stewart Southern Railway(As an Individual)
- Sean Willy, President and Chief Executive Officer(Des Nedhe Developments)
- Jim Wilson, President(Wil-Tech Industries Ltd.)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription