42nd Parliament,
1st Session
(December 3, 2015 - September 11, 2019)
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Meeting Detail
The subject matter of Bill C-45, as it relates to the Indigenous peoples of Canada
- Chief April Adams-Phillips(Mohawk Council of Akwesasne)
- Geela Arnauyumayuq, Support Person(As an Individual)
- Mary Bird, Legal Aid Director & Area Director(Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services)
- Philip Chief, Interim Director(Onion Lake Cree Nation)
- Trevor Daroux, Chief Superintendent, National Aboriginal Policing Services(Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
- Josephine A. de Whytell, Barrister and Solicitor(Indigenous Bar Association)
- Mike Fontaine, Vice President(IndigiCo)
- Carol Hopkins, Executive Director(National Native Addictions Partnership Foundation)
- Aluki Kotierk, Co-Chair of LCAC and President, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated(Land Claims Agreements Coalition)
- Sara Loft, Vice President(IndigiCo)
- Inspector Jason McAdam, Officer in Charge, National Crime Prevention Services(Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
- Howard Morry, Legal Counsel(IndigiCo)
- Marilee A. Nowgesic, Executive Director(Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association)
- Ross Perley(As an Individual)
- George Qulaut, Support Person(As an Individual)
- Isaac Shooyook(As an Individual)
- Derek Stephen, Executive Director(Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services)
- Inspector Kimberly Taplin, Acting Director, National Aboriginal Policing and Crime Prevention Services(Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
- Louis Uttak(As an Individual)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription
* Please note meeting changes.