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LCJC - Standing Committee

Legal and Constitutional Affairs


Information prior to the 40th Parliament is from notices of meetings. For the official record, please refer to the related minutes and transcripts. There are limited electronic records available for the period prior to the 35th Parliament. For historical information, please contact: or 1-800-267-7362

Organization Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending Name / Title Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending Study/Bill Activate to sort column ascending Activate to sort column descending Date/Time Activate to sort column ascending Links/Notes
As an individual Brenda Cossman, Professor of Law, Director, Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, University of Toronto Bill C-32, An Act to amend the Civil Marriage Act Jun 20, 2013
Justice Canada Lisa Hitch, Senior Counsel, Family, Children and Youth Section Bill C-32, An Act to amend the Civil Marriage Act Jun 20, 2013
As an individual Yvon Dandurand, Criminologist, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of the Fraser Valley Bill C-51, An Act to amend the Witness Protection Program Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act Jun 13, 2013
As an individual Richard Dupuis Bill C-51, An Act to amend the Witness Protection Program Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act Jun 13, 2013
Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP Joanne Gibb, Senior Policy Advisor, Operations Bill C-51, An Act to amend the Witness Protection Program Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act Jun 13, 2013
Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP Lisa-Marie Inman, Director, Reviews and Investigations Bill C-51, An Act to amend the Witness Protection Program Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act Jun 13, 2013
Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP Ian McPhail, interim chair Bill C-51, An Act to amend the Witness Protection Program Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act Jun 13, 2013
Canadian Police Association Tom Stamatakis, President Bill C-51, An Act to amend the Witness Protection Program Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act Jun 13, 2013
Ontario Provincial Police Deputy Commissioner Scott Tod, Investigations and Organized Crime Bill C-51, An Act to amend the Witness Protection Program Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act Jun 13, 2013
Public Safety Canada Trevor Bhupsingh, Director General, Law Enforcement and Border Strategies Directorate Bill C-51, An Act to amend the Witness Protection Program Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act Jun 12, 2013
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