41st Parliament,
2nd Session
(October 16, 2013 - August 2, 2015)
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Meeting Detail
Bill C-266, An Act to establish Pope John Paul II Day
Clause-by-clause consideration
- Wladyslaw Lizon, M.P., sponsor of the bill
Examination of Canada’s international and national human rights obligations
- Dean Frank, Director, Strategic Planning and Operations, Asia Bureau (Development)(Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada)
- Peter MacArthur, Director General, South, Southeast Asia and Oceania Bureau(Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada)
- Duane McMullen, Director General, Trade Commissioner Service Operations and Trade Strategy(Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada)
- Professor Ananya Mukherjee-Reed, Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science, York University(As an individual)
- Syed Sajjadur Rahman, Part-time Professor, School of International Development & Global Studies, University of Ottawa(As an individual)
- The Honourable Jane Stewart, P.C., Special Representative and Director, ILO Office to the United Nations(International Labour Organization)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription