37th Parliament,
1st Session
(January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)
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Meeting Detail
The state of the health care system in Canada
- Kevin Beresford, Chair, Council of CEOs(Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba)
- John Bond, Member of Advocacy Committee(Hospice and Palliative Care Manitoba)
- Madeline Boscoe, Advocacy Coordinator(Women's Health Clinic)
- Daniel Boucher, Chief Executive Officer(Société franco-manitobaine)
- Bill Bryant, Chair, Council of Chairs(Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba)
- Margaret Clarke, Executive Director(Hospice and Palliative Care Manitoba)
- Dr. John Foerster(Western Canadian Task Force on Health Research and Economic Development)
- Dr. Henry Friesen, Team Leader(Western Canadian Task Force on Health Research and Economic Development)
- Dr. Paul Henteleff, Chair, Advocacy Committee(Hospice and Palliative Care Manitoba)
- Peter Holle, President(Frontier Centre for Public Policy)
- Chuck Laflèche(Western Canadian Task Force on Health Research and Economic Development)
- Randy Lock, Executive Director(Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba)
- Paul Moist, President(Canadian Union of Public Employees in Manitoba (CUPE))
- Dr. Noralou Roos(Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation)
- Barry Shtatleman(As a walk-on)
- Lorraine Sigurdson, Health Care Coordinator(Canadian Union of Public Employees in Manitoba (CUPE))
- Dr. Audrey Tingle(Western Canadian Task Force on Health Research and Economic Development)
- Linda West, Professor, Asper School of Business(University of Manitoba)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription
* Please note meeting changes.