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Ottawa – The federal government agrees with recommendations a Senate committee made to combat the obesity epidemic in Canada but government ministers have not committed to a clear timeline for action.

The Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology released a comprehensive report on obesity in March. The report made 21 recommendations toward a leaner, healthier future and requested a response from the federal government.

In a letter to the committee sent this month, Health Minister Jane Philpott and Sport Minister Carla Qualtrough commended senators for their work.

“Our Government agrees, in principle, with the Committee’s recommendations,” the ministers wrote.

Nevertheless, the committee is concerned that the government has not provided a timeline for any significant action.

The government response focused on programs already in place — but as the committee’s report makes clear, the status quo is unacceptable. Tens of thousands of Canadians die each year from conditions linked to excess weight, and obesity costs the country between $4.6 billion and $7.1 billion each year in health care and lost productivity.

Nearly two thirds of Canadian adults and one third of children are overweight or obese. The committee believes Canadians need more from their government if this crisis is to be resolved.

Quick Facts

  • The government agreed with a committee recommendation to make nutritional labeling on food packaging easier to understand but said only that it is “considering” amendments to labeling regulations.
  • The government acknowledged a recommendation to consider a tax on sugar- and artificially-sweetened drinks but said only that it “will continue to monitor emerging evidence on the effectiveness of such measures.”
  • The government agreed that tackling obesity requires action at a national level but listed a number of “pan-Canadian frameworks” that already exist. The committee had recommended a national campaign to combat obesity and noted existing efforts have not gone far enough.


“Our committee delivered a thoughtful report on obesity in Canada with solid and practical recommendations. In their response, Minister Philpott and Minister Qualtrough said they recognize the need for action — but without committing to taking any of the steps we suggested. We urge them to reconsider. The health of Canadians is at stake.”

- Senator Kelvin Ogilvie, Chair of the committee.

“The government’s response details a number of worthwhile health initiatives that are already underway. Our report makes clear, however, that what is being done is not sufficient to resolve the urgent issue of obesity in Canada. We believe the government can do more.”

- Senator Art Eggleton, Deputy Chair of the committee.

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For more information, please contact:

Mélisa Leclerc
Director of Communications
Senate of Canada

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