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QUESTION PERIOD — Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Afghan Refugees

December 2, 2021

Honourable senators, my question is for the Government Representative in the Senate.

Senator Gold, a recent CTV News report revealed that a large number of Afghan refugees are living in Canadian “ghost hotels” for months on end. Those hotels lack basic amenities, such as a kitchen and laundry facility. To make matters worse, children are not allowed to go to school. These families often arrive wearing sneakers and sandals that are not appropriate for our harsh winter. They rely on the kindness of neighbours to get their basic needs.

Senator Gold, the government committed to welcoming 40,000 Afghan refugees but is already struggling to provide for fewer than 4,000 Afghans here today. Why has there been no follow-up with those families? What is the government planning to do to help them?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Thank you for your question and for underlining the difficult circumstances that refugees face in Canada.

I don’t have specific knowledge of what the federal government is doing with its provincial counterparts and with the not-for-profit sector to assist those in need. I’ll make inquiries and try to get back to you quickly.

Senator Gold, these Afghan families have been through a lot of trauma, from leaving their country to now adapting to new surroundings, a new language and their new lives. While they are very grateful for Canada’s help, their current living arrangements are only aggravating their already failing mental health. What is being done to offer Afghan refugees appropriate and much-needed support services?

Senator Gold [ + ]

Again, I confess that I don’t know the details of all the different measures that are being taken by all the many groups, whether faith-based, community-based or government-supported. I know that Canadians in all parts of the country and organizations are doing their very best to assist.

As I said, again, I will try to get a fuller picture, and I would be happy to share it when I can.

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