QUESTION PERIOD — Ministry of National Defence
Military Spending
November 7, 2024
Hello, minister. Thank you for coming today.
Canada has long been regarded as a leader in the international community when it comes to the training and development of our Armed Forces. However, in recent years, senior military leaders have expressed that there’s not nearly enough funding to sustain and improve the level of training that our members receive. It’s also my understanding that the Department of National Defence has been asked to find budget cuts this fiscal year.
The men and women who serve in Canada’s Armed Forces are the pride of our country. They sign up willingly, and they put their lives on the line for all of us. It seems that the least we could do is ensure they have the resources they need to train and remain safe. What actions are you taking to immediately meet the needs and concerns of our Armed Forces members, especially in light of the impending budget cuts?
I’m in complete agreement, and I share your pride in the excellence and in the training and capabilities of members of our Canadian Armed Forces. They are renowned and respected around the world, and, in fact, I hear often from our allies, friends and people around the world that they want the Canadian Armed Forces to come help train their people. For example, we trained over 45,000 Ukrainian soldiers, and the Ukrainians tell us that was absolutely critical for their survival in the early weeks of the illegal Russian invasion.
Our new Chief of the Defence Staff and deputy minister recently released a new reconstitution plan for the members of the Canadian Armed Forces, and they identified the infrastructure and foundations that are required in order to facilitate that training. It’s going to result in a significant increase in the number of people we’re able to bring into the organization and put through basic training and all the specialized training they require. It requires investment in that training capacity, and we’re making that investment. It’s foundational. There are a number of other things I hope I get an opportunity to explain.
Regarding the Treasury Board spending refocusing that took place last year, I issued a clear directive to members of the Canadian Armed Forces and to the CDS that none of that could impact the operations, training or supports we provide to members of the Canadian Armed Forces. They’ve been very careful. They’ve dealt with issues around professional services, executive travel, hospitality budgets, et cetera, but we’ve asked them not to allow those cuts to impact or impair the reconstitution of the Canadian Armed Forces because, and I’m in complete agreement with you, that’s the most important mission ahead of us.