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Cost of Legal Proceedings

December 9, 2021

Honourable senators, my question is for the Leader of the Government in the Senate.

This summer, Canadians learned that the Trudeau government had petitioned the courts to prevent the families of Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy from accessing information from the Parole Board of Canada and the Correctional Service of Canada in preparation for the parole hearing of Paul Bernardo, the man who murdered those two young girls.

The government objected to the release of this information to the families on privacy grounds and won the case. The Trudeau government then shamefully demanded that the families pay the government’s legal fees, which came to just over $19,000. The judge reduced the amount to $4,000.

How can the Trudeau government possibly justify foisting its legal fees on these families, who have already suffered so much from the loss of their child?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

I thank the honourable senator for his question.

I don’t have any details about the case you just described or why that request was made. I will find out and come back with an answer as soon as possible.

If the court case is over, can you tell us whether the government actually collected the $4,000 from those families? If it’s not over, can you tell us whether the government is still trying to get the families to pay the $4,000 in court fees, and why it is doing that?

Senator Gold [ + ]

I will add those to my list of questions for the government. Thank you.

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