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QUESTION PERIOD — Foreign Affairs

Prime Minister’s Travel

April 20, 2023

My question is for the Government Representative.

Government Representative, I asked you a fairly straightforward question on Tuesday. You said that you would get back to me with an answer. It’s a simple question. I’m sure that if I asked any senators who are staying in hotels whether they paid for their hotel rooms after checking out this morning, they would all be able to answer yes or no fairly quickly.

I used to serve as Government Representative, and I know that a government representative has easy access to the Prime Minister. In my case, I met with him at least twice a week. It would be easy to ask the Prime Minister, “Did you pay for your hotel room?” Do you have an answer? Can you confirm that the Prime Minister paid for his hotel room? I’m still talking about Prospect Estate and Villas, in Ocho Rios, Jamaica.

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

The short answer is no, I don’t have an answer.

Government Representative, the room at Prospect Real Estate Villas in Ocho Rios is available next week. A seven-day stay would cost $53,541. Unfortunately, the Senate is in session, so I won’t be able to go. Why does the Prime Minister tend to pick hotel rooms that cost more than $6,000 a night? Why does he need a hotel room that costs more than $6,000?

Senator Gold [ + ]

Unfortunately, as I said, I do not have an answer to that question.

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