Judicial Appointments
October 30, 2024
Leader, during the break, while I was reading the Canada Gazette, I saw order-in-council no. 2024-1092, dated October 11, which reads as follows:
. . . Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Justice, under section 26.1 of the Judges Act, appoints Anne Giardini, O.C., O.B.C., of Rome, Italy, to be Chairperson of the Judicial Compensation and Benefits Commission, for a term of four years . . . .
Senator Gold, how is this possible? Are there so few Liberals left in Canada that you have to go all the way to Italy to find a candidate to appoint?
Thank you for the question and for the research you and your office did to inform us about this matter.
I have no details about the appointee you spoke of, or the process and needs involved. However, I am grateful to you for bringing this matter to my attention.
When the government leader looks into the matter, could he also reassure us and check whether she will be attending the commission meetings in person? If so, will the government be paying her travel expenses and first-class airfare?
Thank you. I’ll submit all of these questions to the minister.