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QUESTION PERIOD — Environment and Climate Change

National Adaptation Strategy

September 27, 2022

Honourable senators, my question is for the Government Representative in the Senate.

Senator Gold, over these past few months we have seen many catastrophic, climate-related extreme weather events in Canada and abroad: our recent devastating experience with Hurricane Fiona in my home region of Atlantic Canada; the heat waves across Europe, Asia and Africa; the highly destructive flooding in Pakistan — all while Canadians await the release of our national climate adaptation strategy this fall.

Climate Proof Canada, a coalition led by the Insurance Bureau of Canada and includes members such as the Canadian Red Cross, the Business Council of Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, has called upon the government to ensure that the national adaptation strategy provides an immediate, five-year implementation plan for safeguarding homes and other buildings protecting vulnerable communities and strengthening public infrastructure. The coalition is concerned that the government may be getting bogged down in long-term aspirations rather than dealing with the immediate threats of flooding, wildfires, high winds and extreme heat.

Senator Gold, could you tell us if the anticipated national adaptation plan will heed these concerns about Canada’s immediate climate adaptation need?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Senator, the government takes this issue very seriously. It has spent over $27 billion on adaptation programs already. I’m advised that the government will be releasing Canada’s first-ever national adaptation strategy very soon. I am further assured that the strategy is going to consider building what we might call 21st-century homes and infrastructure, and to use climate data in its analysis for everyday businesses. That will help us build a more resilient and climate-ready Canada.

Senator Gold, this month the Federation of Canadian Municipalities also released its own recommendations for that national adaptation strategy. They have called for a scaling-up investment in resilient public infrastructure and a focus on nature-based solutions to climate change. They suggested investing in mechanisms such as the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund, the National Infrastructure Fund and the Green Municipal Fund.

Senator Gold, could you tell us if the government is considering these recommendations and, if so, how will the government be incorporating these into the national adaptation strategy?

Senator Gold [ + ]

Thank you for the question. My understanding, senator, is that the government is considering these general themes, and that these are informing the development of the national adaptation strategy. The government looks forward to announcing its strategy in due course.

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