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QUESTION PERIOD — Global Affairs

Trade Agreements

November 2, 2023

Leader, polls predicting the Prime Minister’s defeat in the next election may have been the wake-up call that prompted him to reverse course on a number of things, including the carbon tax and immigration. Canada has cut ties with Russia, China and even India, and now the United States is threatening harsh reprisals if the government goes ahead with its plan to slap a “discriminatory” tax on foreign streaming services come January 1.

Given that the new Liberal tax will surely be passed on to taxpayers, is the Prime Minister prepared to admit his mistake and reverse course on this as he has on other issues before it’s too late?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Thank you for the question. Canada’s ties — economic, political and otherwise — to the United States are so deep, close and substantial that it’s to be expected our two sovereign governments would have differences of opinion and even disputes about decisions made by one or the other to protect its interests as it perceives them.

I have confidence, and the Senate and Canadians should have confidence, in the professionalism, expertise and experience of the Canadians who are working with their American counterparts to find amicable solutions and, failing that, will follow the established dispute resolution process.

Just this past Tuesday, the American ambassador to Canada was emphatic about the reprisals to come; the Canada-United States-Mexico free trade agreement is under threat. Canada cannot be the only G20 country to be in step.

Could Mr. Trudeau care enough about Canada’s economy to quickly consider the suggestion that a few lucid Liberals have politely been making for the past few days, namely to make way for someone more competent to lead our country?

Senator Gold [ + ]

Thank you for the question. I’m not in the Prime Minister’s head and I have no comments to make about the suggestions that everyone is free to make in a free and democratic society. Canada, the Prime Minister and this government are managing their relationship with the United States well and will continue to do so.

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