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Canada Border Services Agency

February 8, 2024

Respectfully, leader, where the Liberals go wrong when they come into power is thinking that writing a cheque is the answer to every problem. Despite the $28 million over three years announced by the Minister of Public Safety, a union representative from the Canada Border Services Agency estimates that there are not enough staff to inspect more than 1% of containers at the Port of Montreal.

Are Canadians right to think that the current government is incapable of coming up with an effective repression and deterrence strategy to deal with a problem that is costing insurance companies $1 billion a year, a cost that is passed on to car owners?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

The answer, dear colleague, is no. On the contrary, the reason that the government is taking steps to ensure that everyone is involved at the provincial, federal and municipal levels is to come up with solutions and do more to try to fight this problem, and it will continue to do so.

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